High Availability Configuration



Multi-node installation can help you to quickly set up a single-master cluster on multiple machines for development and testing. However, we need to consider the high availability of the cluster for production. Since the key components on the master node, i.e. kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager are running on a single master node, Kubernetes and KubeSphere will be unavailable during the master being down. Therefore we need to set up a high availability cluster by provisioning load balancers and multiple masters. You can use any cloud load balancer, or any hardware load balancer (e.g. F5). In addition, keepalved and Haproxy is also an alternative for creating such high-availability cluster.

This document walks you through an example how to create two QingCloud Load Balancer, serving as internal load balancer and external load balancer respectively, and how to configure the high availability of masters and Etcd using the load balancers.


  • Please make sure that you already read Multi-Node installation. This document only demonstrates how to configure load balancers.
  • You need a QingCloud account to create load balancers, or follow the guide of any other cloud provider to create load balancers.


This example prepares six machines of CentOS 7.5. We will create two load balancers, and deploy three masters and Etcd nodes on three of the machines. You can configure these masters and Etcd nodes in conf/hosts.ini.

Master and etcd node high availability architecture

Install HA Cluster

Step 1: Create Load Balancers

This step briefly shows an example of creating a load balancer on QingCloud platform.

Create an Internal Load Balancer

1.1. Log in QingCloud Console and select Network & CDN → Load Balancers, then click on the create button and fill in the basic information.

1.2. Choose the VxNet that your machines are created within from the Network dropdown list. Here is kube. Other settings can be default values as follows. Click Submit to complete the creation.

Create Internal LB on QingCloud

1.3. Drill into the detail page of the load balancer, then create a listener that listens to the port 6443 of the TCP protocol.

  • Name: Define a name for this Listener
  • Listener Protocol: Select TCP protocol
  • Port: 6443
  • Load mode: Poll

Note: After creating the listener, please check the firewall rules of the load balancer. Make sure that the port 6443 has been added to the firewall rules and the external traffic can pass through 6443. Otherwise, the installation will fail.

Add Listener to LB

1.4. Click Add Backend, choose the VxNet kube that we chose. Then click on the button Advanced Search and choose the three master nodes under the VxNet and set the port to 6443 which is the default secure port of api-server.

Click Submit when you are done.

Choose Backends

1.5. Click on the button Apply Changes to activate the configurations. At this point, you can find the three masters have been added as the backend servers of the listener that is behind the internal load balancer.

Please note: The status of all masters might shows Not available after you added them as backends. This is normal since the port 6443 of api-server are not active in masters yet. The status will change to Active and the port of api-server will be exposed after installation complete, which means the internal load balancer you configured works as expected.

Apply Changes

Create an External Load Balancer

You need to create an EIP in advance.

1.6. Similarly, create an external load balancer without joining any network, but associate the EIP that you created to this load balancer.

1.7. Enter the load balancer detail page, create a listener that listens to the port 30880 of the HTTP protocol which is the nodeport of KubeSphere console..

Note: After creating the listener, please check the firewall rules of the load balancer. Make sure that the port 30880 has been added to the firewall rules and the external traffic can pass through 6443. Otherwise, the installation will fail.

Create external LB

1.8. Click Add Backend, then choose the six machines that we are going to install KubeSphere within the VxNet Kube, and set the port to 30880.

Click Submit when you are done.

1.9. Click on the button Apply Changes to activate the configurations. At this point, you can find the six machines have been added as the backend servers of the listener that is behind the external load balancer.

Apply Changes

Step 2: Modify the host.ini

Go to the taskbox where you downloaded the installer by following the Multi-node Installation and complete the following configurations.

[all]node information. Use the following syntax if you run installation as root user:
- <node_name> ansible_connection=<host> ip=<ip_address>
- <node_name> ansible_host=<ip_address> ip=<ip_address> ansible_ssh_pass=<pwd>
If you log in as a non-root user, use the syntax:
- <node_name> ansible_connection=<host> ip=<ip_address> ansible_user=<user> ansible_become_pass=<pwd>
[kube-master]master node names
[kube-node]worker node names
[etcd]etcd node names. The number of etcd nodes needs to be odd.
[k8s-cluster:children]group names of [kube-master] and [kube-node]

We use CentOS 7.5 with root user to install an HA cluster. Please see the following configuration as an example:

If the taskbox cannot establish ssh connection with the rest nodes, try to use the non-root user configuration.

host.ini example

  1. [all]
  2. master1 ansible_connection=local ip=
  3. master2 ansible_host= ip= ansible_ssh_pass=PASSWORD
  4. master3 ansible_host= ip= ansible_ssh_pass=PASSWORD
  5. node1 ansible_host= ip= ansible_ssh_pass=PASSWORD
  6. node2 ansible_host= ip= ansible_ssh_pass=PASSWORD
  7. node3 ansible_host= ip= ansible_ssh_pass=PASSWORD
  8. [kube-master]
  9. master1
  10. master2
  11. master3
  12. [kube-node]
  13. node1
  14. node2
  15. node3
  16. [etcd]
  17. master1
  18. master2
  19. master3
  20. [k8s-cluster:children]
  21. kube-node
  22. kube-master

Step 3: Configure the Load Balancer Parameters

Besides configuring the common.yaml by following the Multi-node Installation, you need to modify the load balancer information in the common.yaml. Assume the VIP address and listening port of the internal load balancer are and 6443, then you can refer to the following example.

  • Note that address and port should be indented by two spaces in common.yaml, and the address should be VIP.
  • The domain name of the load balancer is “lb.kubesphere.local” by default for internal access. If you need to change the domain name, please uncomment and modify it.

The configuration sample in common.yaml

  1. ## External LB example config
  2. ## apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name: "lb.kubesphere.local"
  3. loadbalancer_apiserver:
  4. address:
  5. port: 6443

Finally, please refer to the guide to configure the persistent storage service in common.yaml and start your HA cluster installation.

Then it is ready to install the high availability KubeSphere cluster.