
Route is the kubernetes Ingress.

A Route provides a way to aggregate services, and you can expose the cluster’s internal services to the outside through an externally accessible IP address.


  • You need to create a workspace, project and project-regular account. Please refer to the Getting Started with Multi-tenant Management if not yet.
  • You need to sign in with project-admin account and invite project-regular to enter the corresponding project if not yet. Please refer to Invite Member.
  • Before creating a route, the gateway of the project should be configured. Please refer to Set Gateway

Create a Route

Step 1: Open Modal

  1. Go to Application Workloads and click Routes.
  2. Click Create button to open the modal.

Step 2: Basic Info

Enter the basic information.

  • Name: The name of the route, which is also the unique identifier.
  • Alias: The alias name of the route, making resources easier to identify.

Step 3: Route Rules

Setting the route’s rules. KubeSphere provides two ways to configure a route rule, Auto Generate and Specify Domain.

Auto Generate

Kubesphere can automatically generate an available route based on the service name. The generation rule is: {serviceName}.{gatewayAddress}{servicePort}.

  • path: Ingress matches the corresponding service according to the path.
  • service: The backend service name.
  • port: Service port, could be a port name or a port number.

Routes - 图1

Specify Domain

You can also use a specified domain to access the service. Beside the path parameters, you also need to specify the hostname and the protocol.

  • HostName
    The access domain name of the application rule, and finally use this domain name to access the corresponding service.
    If the access entry is enabled by NodePort, you need to ensure that the Host can be correctly resolved to the cluster working node on the client;
    If it is enabled by LoadBalancer, you need to ensure that the Host is correctly resolved to the IP of the load balancer.

  • Protocol
    Supports http and https protocols.

    • http: A Host configuration item (Hostname) and a Path list. Each Path is associated with a backend service. If the loadbalancer is used to forward traffic to the backend, all inbound requests must first match the Host and Path.
    • https: In addition to the configuration contained in http, a secret is also required. The secret can be specified to contain a TLS private key and certificate to encrypt Ingress, and the TLS secret must contain keys named tls.crt and tls.key.

Routes - 图2

Step 4: Advanced Settings

You can edit the metadata info of the route in Advanced Settings.

Ingress provides annotations to customize behavior. Please refer to Ingress Annotations.

Routes - 图3

Access the Route

After the route is created, make sure that the domain name can be resolved to the IP address of the external network access entrance, and you can use the domain name access. For example, in a private environment, you can modify the local hosts file to use the route. E.g:

DomainPathAccess TypePort/IPCluster Node IP,31920192.168.0.4,,,,

As shown in the above table, two route rules have been created, using NodePort and LoadBalancer access entries respectively.

  • NodePort

    For services with internet access set to NodePort, if it is in a private environment, you can directly add records in the hosts file of the host to resolve the domain name to the corresponding IP. For example, for, add the following records:


    It is necessary to ensure that the client and the cluster working node network can communicate, and the IP of other working nodes can be used. As long as the client and the working node network are connected, after setting, use to access the backend service.

  • LoadBalancer

    For services with internet access set to LoadBalancer, for, in addition to adding records in the hosts file by referring to the NodePort, you can also use as the domain name resolution for routing. is a free domain name resolution service, which can resolve the corresponding ip of the domain name in the following format, which can be used as a resolution service for routing, eliminating the need to configure the local hosts file.

    1. maps to
    2. maps to
    3. maps to
    4. maps to
    5. maps to

Check Route detail

Route Operations

  • Edit Info: Edit the basic information except Name of the Route, .
  • Edit YAML: Edit the route’s specification in YAML format.
  • Edit Rules: Edit the route’s rules.
  • Edit Annotations: Customize the ingress annotations.
  • Delete: Delete the route, and return to the route list page.

Routes - 图4

Resource Status

Resource status contains route rules information. You can access the service by clicking Click to visit.

Routes - 图5

Unable to access ?

  • Make sure that the domain name you set can be resolved to the IP address of the access portal.
  • If you are in a private cloud environment, modify the local host file and then access it via {$domain name}:{$node port}.
  • By configuring DNS access, you need to modify the domain name to {$hostname}.{$gateway address}, and then access the service via {$hostname}.{$gateway address}{$NodePort}.
  • If the access is blocked when you use the domain name, please confirm if your domain name exists and has been registered.

Set Gateway

Enter to Project Settings => Advanced Settings => Internet Access, click Set Gateway.

Routes - 图6