
感谢你读完了这本简明 ASP.NET Core 手册!如果这本书有点(或者没有)用处,我很乐于倾听您的想法。请在 Twitter 上发表看法:https://twitter.com/nbarbettini


ASP.NET Core 还有很多功能,但是无法纳入到这本小册子里,包括:

  • 构建 RESTFul 的 API 和 微服务
  • 把 ASP.NET Core 用于 单页面应用,例如 Angular 和 React
  • Razor 页面
  • 打包和压缩静态资源
  • WebSockets 和 SignalR




嗨,我是 Nate!我在一个漫长的灌着咖啡的周末写了这本 简明 ASP.NET Core 手册,因为我热爱 .NET 社区,并希望以我的微薄之力付出回报。希望它帮助你学了一点儿新东西。

你可以在 Twitter(@nbarbettini)上和我保持联系,或者在我的博客上(https://www.recaffeinate.co)。你还可以通过电子邮件(nate@barbettini.com)联系我。




  • 0xNF
  • Matt Welke [welkie]
  • Raman Zhylich [zhilich]


  • sahinyanlik (土耳其语)
  • windsting、yuyi (简体中文)




1.1.1 (2018-06-11): 修正了读者们发现的一些笔误。

1.1.0 (2018-05-03): 大幅度重写了 添加新特性 一章,深入地使用了整个 MVC 框架并移除了 AJAX 模式。移除 Facebook 登录以简化安全章节、流水线式的测试和部署。修改了 Docker 指令以反映最新的优秀实践。修正了笔误,添加了来自读者的建议。还弄了个新改良的封面得瑟了一下!

1.0.4 (2018-01-15): 为服务容器(service container)的生命周期添加说明,阐释服务端口和 -o 选项,移除 Razor 指令后的分号。修正中文版译者信息。修正其它笔误和读者反馈的问题。

1.0.3 (2017-11-13): 笔误修正和一些读者建议的改进。

1.0.2 (2017-10-20): 更多的Bug修正和一些小改进。添加译版的链接。

1.0.1 (2017-09-23): Bug修正和一些小改进。

1.0.0 (2017-09-18): 初次发布。


Thanks for making it to the end of the Little ASP.NET Core Book! If this book was helpful (or not), I’d love to hear your thoughts. Send me your comments via Twitter: https://twitter.com/nbarbettini

How to learn more

There’s a lot more that ASP.NET Core can do that couldn’t fit in this short book, including

  • Building RESTful APIs and microservices
  • Using ASP.NET Core with single-page apps like Angular and React
  • Razor Pages
  • Bundling and minifying static assets
  • WebSockets and SignalR

There are a number of ways you can learn more:

  • The ASP.NET Core documentation. The official ASP.NET Core documentation at http://docs.asp.net contains a number of in-depth tutorials covering many of these topics. I’d highly recommend it!

  • ASP.NET Core in Action. This book by Andrew Lock is a comprehensive, deep dive into ASP.NET Core. You can get it from Amazon or a local bookstore.

  • Courses on LinkedIn Learning and Pluralsight. If you learn best from videos, there are fantastic courses available on Pluralsight and LinkedIn Learning (including some by yours truly). If you don’t have an account and need a coupon, send me an email: nate@barbettini.com.

  • Nate’s blog. I also write about ASP.NET Core and more on my blog at https://www.recaffeinate.co.

Happy coding!

About the author

Hey, I’m Nate! I wrote the Little ASP.NET Core Book in a long, caffeine-fueled weekend because I love the .NET community and wanted to give back in my own little way. I hope it helped you learn something new!

You can stay in touch with me on Twitter (@nbarbettini) or on my blog (https://www.recaffeinate.co). You can also reach me via email at nate@barbettini.com.

Special thanks

To Jennifer, who always supports my crazy ideas.

To the following contributors who improved the Little ASP.NET Core Book:

  • 0xNF
  • Matt Welke [welkie]
  • Raman Zhylich [zhilich]

To these amazing polyglot programmers who translated the Little ASP.NET Core Book:

  • sahinyanlik (Turkish)
  • windsting, yuyi (Simplified Chinese)


The full, detailed changelog is always available here:


1.1.1 (2018-06-11): Fixed typos found by readers.

1.1.0 (2018-05-03): Significantly reworked the Add more features chapter to use MVC thorough the whole stack and remove the AJAX pattern. Removed Facebook login to simplify the security chapter and streamline testing and deployment. Updated the Docker instructions to reflect the latest best practices. Fixed typos and added suggestions from readers. The book also sports a new, improved cover design!

1.0.4 (2018-01-15): Added explanation of service container lifecycles, clarified server ports and the -o flag, and removed semicolons after Razor directives. Corrected Chinese translation author credit. Fixed other small typos and issues noticed by readers.

1.0.3 (2017-11-13): Typo fixes and small improvements suggested by readers.

1.0.2 (2017-10-20): More bug fixes and small improvements. Added link to translations.

1.0.1 (2017-09-23): Bug fixes and small improvements.

1.0.0 (2017-09-18): Initial release.