
准备好创建你的第一个 ASP.NET Core web 应用了么?先做点“利其器”的事:

你惯用的代码编辑器 你可以用 Atom、Sublime、Notepad 或者任何你喜欢的编辑器。如果你还没有一个惯用的,请试试 Visual Studio Code。这是个免费、跨平台的代码编辑器,对于 C#、JavaScript、HTML 和很多其它语言编程的支持非常丰富。只需要搜索“下载 visual studio code”再按指令操作即可。(译者的话:别用 百度,试试 bing.com

如果你在 Windows 下,也可以用 Visual Studio 构建 ASP.NET Core 应用程序。这需要用到 Visual Studio 2017 的 15.3 及以上的版本(免费的社区版就够用了)。Visual Studio 有着优秀的 代码补全 和 C# 的代码重构,且略优于 Visual Studio Code。

.NET Core SDK 不论你用什么编辑器或者平台,都需要安装 .NET Core SDK,包括运行时,基础库以及用于构建 ASP.NET Core 应用程序的命令行工具。它可以安装在 Windows、Mac、Linux上。

选定了编辑器,就该去获取 SDK 了。

Your first application

Ready to build your first web app with ASP.NET Core? You’ll need to gather a few things first:

Your favorite code editor. You can use Atom, Sublime, Notepad, or whatever editor you prefer writing code in. If you don’t have a favorite, give Visual Studio Code a try. It’s a free, cross-platform code editor that has rich support for writing C#, JavaScript, HTML, and more. Just search for “download visual studio code” and follow the instructions.

If you’re on Windows, you can also use Visual Studio to build ASP.NET Core applications. You’ll need Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3 or later (the free Community Edition is fine). Visual Studio has great code completion and refactoring support for C#, although Visual Studio Code is close behind.

The .NET Core SDK. Regardless of the editor or platform you’re using, you’ll need to install the .NET Core SDK, which includes the runtime, base libraries, and command line tools you need for building ASP.NET Core applications. The SDK can be installed on Windows, Mac, or Linux.

Once you’ve decided on an editor, you’ll need to get the SDK.