Who This Book is For

This book is a programmer’s manual targeted at intermediate to advanced programmers wishing to gain an in-depth understanding of Django.

In saying that, it doesn’t mean beginners can’t get value out of the book. Since the publication of the first edition of the book, roughly half of the readers I have spoken to identified as being a beginner when they started out with the book.

The way I write—building on simple concepts and explaining every step—is highly accessible to beginners, so if you are a beginner, you will still learn a great deal about Django from the book.

Where the book can challenge beginners is all the peripheral stuff—HTML, CSS, Python and web development in general—that I don’t explain in any detail. The book is big enough as it is, without me trying to teach you all the stuff you need to know that isn’t Django-related!

I do, however, give you lots of references so you can easily get more information if you need it.