A Final Note on Writing Django Apps

A common and inevitable question arises once you get your head around Django’s basic structure:

“Where do I start? Should I start with writing my models, the URL configurations, my views? Or what?”

Well, here’s your final heresy for the chapter: it doesn’t matter.

Some people like to start by building all the models so they can see how the data structure looks; others prefer to build the visual layout first, so they start with templates. Others might like to get the basic communication framework in place, so they start with views and URLconfs. Others will start at whatever point seems logical for the project.

Being pragmatic to the bone, I am usually in the last group. I try not to get fixated on what someone else thinks is the right or the wrong way to do things and try to find the simplest and quickest way to achieve the result I want. I also like to work incrementally starting small getting the flow right and building on it to create the complete application. This approach means I inevitably end up jumping from one element to another as the application grows.

Your brain is wired differently to mine and every other programmer. This is a Good Thing. Just remember, an imperfect start to a project is way better than not starting at all. Do what works for you.