Configuring Caches

By default Caffeine is used for cache definitions which can be configured via application configuration. For example with application.yml:

Cache Configuration Example

  1. micronaut:
  2. caches:
  3. my-cache:
  4. maximum-size: 20

The above example will configure a cache called “my-cache” with a maximum size of 20.

Naming Caches

Names of caches under micronaut.caches should be defined in kebab case (lowercase and hyphen separated), if camel case is used the names are normalized to kebab case. So for example specifying myCache will become my-cache. The kebab case form should be used when referencing caches in the @Cacheable annotation.

To configure a weigher to be used with the maximumWeight configuration, create a bean that implements io.micronaut.caffeine.cache.Weigher. To associate a given weigher with only a specific cache, annotate the bean with @Named(<cache name>). Weighers without a named qualifier will apply to all caches that don’t have a named weigher. If no beans are found, a default implementation will be used.

See the configuration reference for all available configuration options.