
1. Unit Tests

1.1 Test a Python function

The function main() in the module calculates the number of words in a text body.

For instance, the following sentence contains three words:

  1. Call me Ishmael

Your task is to prove that the main() function calculates the number of words in the sentence correctly with three.

Use the example test in

1.2 Test proves if code is broken

The test in the module fails, because there is a bug in the function word_counter.average_word_length(). In the sentence

  1. Call me Ishmael

The words are four, two, and seven characters long. This gives an average of:

  1. >>> (4 + 2 + 7) / 3.0
  2. 4.333333333333333

Your task is to fix the code, so that the test passes.

Use the example in

1.3 Code proves if tests are broken

The test in the module fails, because there is a bug in the test file.

Your task is to fix the test, so that the test passes. Use the example in

1.4 Test border cases

High quality tests cover many different situations. The most common situations for the program include:

test case description example input expected output
empty input is valid, but empty “” 0
minimal smallest reasonable input “whale” 1
typical representative input “whale eats captain” 3
invalid input is supposed to fail 777 Exception raised
maximum largest reasonable input Melville’s entire book more than 200000
sanity program recycles its own output TextBody A created from another TextBody B A equals B
nasty difficult example “That #~&%* program still doesn’t work!” 6

Your task is to make all tests in pass.