
Exercise 1: A module for test data

Create a new module with a string variable that contains a sentence with lots of special characters:

  1. sample = """That #§&%$* program still doesn't work!
  2. I already de-bugged it 3 times, and still numpy.array keeps raising AttributeErrors. What should I do?"""

Create a function that returns a mobydick.TextCorpus object with the sample text above. Use the following as a header:

  1. @pytest.fixture
  2. def sample_corpus():
  3. ...

Exercise 2: Using the fixture

Now create a module with a function that uses the fixture:

  1. def test_sample_text(sample_corpus):
  2. assert sample_corpus.n_words == 77

Execute the module with pytest. Note that you do not need to import conftest. Pytest does that automatically.

Exercise 3: Create more fixtures

Create fixtures for the two text corpora in the files mobydick_full.txt and mobydick_summary.txt as well.

Exercise 4: Fixtures from fixtures

Create a fixture in that uses another fixture:

  1. from mobydick import WordCounter
  2. @pytest.fixture
  3. def counter(mobydick_summary):
  4. return WordCounter(mobydick_summary)

Write a simple test that makes sure the fixture is not None