This section describes how to uninstall Istio in a cluster or disable a namespace, or workload.

Uninstall Istio in a Cluster

To uninstall Istio,

  1. From the Cluster Explorer, navigate to Installed Apps in Apps & Marketplace and locate the rancher-istio installation.
  2. Select all the apps in the istio-system namespace and click Delete.

Result: The rancher-istio app in the cluster gets removed. The Istio sidecar cannot be deployed on any workloads in the cluster.

Note: You can no longer disable and reenable your Istio installation. If you would like to save your settings for a future install, view and save individual YAMLs to refer back to / reuse for future installations.

Disable Istio in a Namespace

  1. From the Cluster Explorer view, use the side-nav to select Namespaces page
  2. On the Namespace page, you will see a list of namespaces. Go to the namespace where you want to disable and click the select Edit as Form or Edit as Yaml
  3. Remove the istio-injection=enabled label from the namespace
  4. Click Save

Result: When workloads are deployed in this namespace, they will not have the Istio sidecar.

Remove the Istio Sidecar from a Workload

Disable Istio in the namespace, then redeploy the workloads with in it. They will be deployed without the Istio sidecar.