1、404 - default backend

您需要下载kubectl命令行工具来调试此错误。kubectl命令行工具安装方法,请查阅See kubectl安装与设置

当修改了 rancher-cluster.yml配置文件后, 必须运行rke remove —config rancher-cluster.yml以清理节点,确保不会与先前的配置发生冲突。


  • Nginx ingress无法为rancher-cluster.yml配置的应用提供代理服务


  1. kubectl --kubeconfig kube_config_rancher-cluster.yml get ingress -n cattle-system -o wide


通过以下命令查看nginx ingress日志:

  1. kubectl --kubeconfig kube_config_rancher-cluster.yml logs -l app=ingress-nginx -n ingress-nginx
  • x509: certificate is valid for fqdn, not your_configured_fqdn


  • Port 80 is already in use. Please check the flag —http-port

There is a process on the node occupying port 80, this port is needed for the nginx ingress controller to route requests to Rancher. You can find the process by running the command: netstat -plant | grep \:80.

Stop/kill the process and redeploy.

  • unexpected error creating pem file: no valid PEM formatted block found

The base64 encoded string configured in the template is not valid. Please check if you can decode the configured string using base64 -D STRING, this should return the same output as the content of the file you used to generate the string. If this is correct, please check if the base64 encoded string is placed directly after the key, without any newlines before, in between or after. (For example: tls.crt: LS01..)