


Rancherhttps://github.com/rancher/rancher存储Rancher 2.x的主要源代码
Typeshttps://github.com/rancher/types存储Rancher 2.x的所有API类型
API Frameworkhttps://github.com/rancher/norman存储构建由Kubernetes Custom Resources支持的Rancher样式的API框架
User Interfacehttps://github.com/rancher/ui存储Rancher UI源代码
(Rancher) Docker Machinehttps://github.com/rancher/machine存储Docker Machine二进制文件的源代码,这是docker/machine仓库的一个分支
machine-packagehttps://github.com/rancher/machine-package构建Rancher Docker Machine二进制文件的源代码
RKE repositoryhttps://github.com/rancher/rke存储Rancher Kubernetes Engine源代码
CLIhttps://github.com/rancher/cli存储Rancher CLI的源代码
(Rancher) Helm repositoryhttps://github.com/rancher/helmHelm二进制文件的源代码。这是helm/helm仓库的一个分支
Telemetry repositoryhttps://github.com/rancher/telemetrytelemetry二进制文件的源代码
loglevel repositoryhttps://github.com/rancher/loglevel储库loglevel二进制文件的源代码,用于动态更改日志级别
ingresshttps://github.com/rancher//ingress-nginxingress 源码仓库





使用trash管理对其他libraries/projects的依赖性,查看trash README了解它如何使用。简而言之,它使用一个vendor.conf文件来指定源存储库和获取的x版本,签出和复制到./vendor目录。更新vendor.conf后,您可以运行make trash更新依赖项。更新依赖项后,您可以再次使用make构建项目,以便使用更新的依赖项来构建。

Bugs, Issues or Questions

如果您发现任何错误或有任何问题,请搜索Rancher issues,因为有人可能遇到过同样的问题,或者我们正在积极研究解决方案。



注意: 对于大量数据,请使用GitHub Gist或类似数据存储工具,并在问题中附加创建的链接资源。重要提示: 请删除所有敏感数据,因为它们是公开可见的。

  • 尽可能详细地提供所使用资源的详细信息。由于问题的原因可能很多,尽可能详细的细节有助于确定具体原因。看下面的一些例子:
    • 主机(what cloud does it happen on, what Amazon Machine Image are you using, what DigitalOcean droplet are you using, what image are you provisioning that we can rebuild or use when we try to reproduce)
    • 操作系统(What operating system are you using. Providing specifics helps here like the output of cat /etc/os-release for exact OS release and uname -r for exact kernel used)
    • Docker (What Docker version are you using, how did you install it? Most of the details of Docker can be found by supplying output of docker version and docker info)
    • 环境(Are you in a proxy environment, are you using recognized CA/self signed certificates, are you using an external loadbalancer)
    • Rancher(What version of Rancher are you using, this can be found on the bottom left of the UI or be retrieved from the image tag you are running on the host)
    • 集群(What kind of cluster did you create, how did you create it, what did you specify when you were creating it)
  • 提供手动步骤或自动化脚本,用于重新复现问题。
  • 从使用的资源中提供数据/日志

    • Rancher

      • Single node
  1. docker logs \
  2. --tail=all \
  3. --timestamps \
  4. $(docker ps -q -f label=org.label-schema.vcs-url=https://github.com/rancher/rancher.git)
  1. -

High Availability

  1. kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG logs \
  2. -n cattle-system \
  3. --timestamps=true \
  4. -f $(kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG get pods -n cattle-system \
  5. -o json | jq -r '.items[] | \
  6. select(.spec.containers[].name="cattle-server") | .metadata.name')
  • System logging(这些可能并非全部存在,具体取决于操作系统)

    • /var/log/messages
    • /var/log/syslog
    • /var/log/kern.log
  • Docker daemon logging(这些可能并非全部存在,具体取决于操作系统)

    • Ubuntu (old using upstart ) - /var/log/upstart/docker.log
    • Ubuntu (new using systemd ) - sudo journalctl -fu docker.service
    • Boot2Docker - /var/log/docker.log
    • Debian GNU/Linux - /var/log/daemon.log
    • CentOS - journalctl -u docker.service
    • CoreOS - journalctl -u docker.service
    • Fedora - journalctl -u docker.service
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server - cat /var/log/messages | grep docker
    • OpenSuSE - journalctl -u docker.service
    • macOS (Docker 18.01+) - ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/vms/0/console-ring
    • macOS (Docker <18.01) - ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/console-ring
    • Windows - Get-EventLog -LogName Application -Source Docker -After (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-5) | Sort-Object Time如果您遇到性能问题,请提供尽可能多的指标数据(文件或屏幕截图)。如果您有关于机器的问题,提供top、free -hm、df -h、iostat的输出信息,这表明进程/内存/磁盘空间/磁盘IO的使用情况。
