Base Component

Using a Base Component

There is tremendous amount of flexibility when it comes to composition in React – since components are essentially just functions.
By changing style details in a component to props we can make it more reusable.

The color and backgroundColor properties have been moved up to the component’s props.
Additionally, we’ve added a big prop to adjust the padding top and bottom.

  1. const Button = ({
  2. big,
  3. color = colors.white,
  4. backgroundColor =,
  5. ...props
  6. }) => {
  7. const sx = {
  8. fontFamily: 'inherit',
  9. fontSize: 'inherit',
  10. fontWeight: bold,
  11. textDecoration: 'none',
  12. display: 'inline-block',
  13. margin: 0,
  14. paddingTop: big ? space[2] : space[1],
  15. paddingBottom: big ? space[2] : space[1],
  16. paddingLeft: space[2],
  17. paddingRight: space[2],
  18. border: 0,
  19. color,
  20. backgroundColor,
  21. WebkitAppearance: 'none',
  22. MozAppearance: 'none'
  23. };
  24. return (
  25. <button {...props} style={sx}/>
  26. )
  27. };


  1. const Button = () => (
  2. <div>
  3. <Button>
  4. Blue Button
  5. </Button>
  6. <Button big backgroundColor={}>
  7. Big Red Button
  8. </Button>
  9. </div>
  10. );
  11. // By adjusting the props API of the base Button component,
  12. // an entire set of button styles can be created.
  13. const ButtonBig = (props) => <Button {...props} big/>;
  14. const ButtonGreen = (props) => <Button {...props} backgroundColor={}/>;
  15. const ButtonRed = (props) => <Button {...props} backgroundColor={}/>;
  16. const ButtonOutline = (props) => <Button {...props} outline/>;