Flexbox & Grid

Place Content

Utilities for controlling how content is justified and aligned at the same time.

Quick reference

place-content-centerplace-content: center;
place-content-startplace-content: start;
place-content-endplace-content: end;
place-content-betweenplace-content: space-between;
place-content-aroundplace-content: space-around;
place-content-evenlyplace-content: space-evenly;
place-content-baselineplace-content: baseline;
place-content-stretchplace-content: stretch;

Basic usage


Use place-content-center to pack items in the center of the block axis:

Place Content - 图1

  1. <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 place-content-center h-48 ...">
  2. <div>01</div>
  3. <div>02</div>
  4. <div>03</div>
  5. <div>04</div>
  6. </div>


Use place-content-start to pack items against the start of the block axis:

Place Content - 图2

  1. <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 place-content-start h-48 ...">
  2. <div>01</div>
  3. <div>02</div>
  4. <div>03</div>
  5. <div>04</div>
  6. </div>


Use place-content-end to to pack items against the end of the block axis:

Place Content - 图3

  1. <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 place-content-end h-48 ...">
  2. <div>01</div>
  3. <div>02</div>
  4. <div>03</div>
  5. <div>04</div>
  6. </div>

Space between

Use place-content-between to distribute grid items along the block axis so that that there is an equal amount of space between each row on the block axis.

Place Content - 图4

  1. <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 place-content-between h-48 ...">
  2. <div>01</div>
  3. <div>02</div>
  4. <div>03</div>
  5. <div>04</div>
  6. </div>

Space around

Use place-content-around distribute grid items such that there is an equal amount of space around each row on the block axis:

Place Content - 图5

  1. <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 place-content-around h-48 ...">
  2. <div>01</div>
  3. <div>02</div>
  4. <div>03</div>
  5. <div>04</div>
  6. </div>

Space evenly

Use place-content-evenly to distribute grid items such that they are evenly spaced on the block axis:

Place Content - 图6

  1. <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 place-content-evenly h-48 ...">
  2. <div>01</div>
  3. <div>02</div>
  4. <div>03</div>
  5. <div>04</div>
  6. </div>


Use place-content-stretch to stretch grid items along their grid areas on the block axis:

Place Content - 图7

  1. <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 place-content-stretch h-48 ...">
  2. <div>01</div>
  3. <div>02</div>
  4. <div>03</div>
  5. <div>04</div>
  6. </div>

Applying conditionally

Hover, focus, and other states

Tailwind lets you conditionally apply utility classes in different states using variant modifiers. For example, use hover:place-content-center to only apply the place-content-center utility on hover.

  1. <div class="grid place-content-start hover:place-content-center">
  2. <!-- ... -->
  3. </div>

For a complete list of all available state modifiers, check out the Hover, Focus, & Other States documentation.

Breakpoints and media queries

You can also use variant modifiers to target media queries like responsive breakpoints, dark mode, prefers-reduced-motion, and more. For example, use md:place-content-center to apply the place-content-center utility at only medium screen sizes and above.

  1. <div class="grid place-content-start md:place-content-center">
  2. <!-- ... -->
  3. </div>

To learn more, check out the documentation on Responsive Design, Dark Mode and other media query modifiers.