SHOW ANALYZE STATUS 语句提供 TiDB 正在执行的统计信息收集任务以及有限条历史任务记录。

从 TiDB v6.1.0 起,执行 SHOW ANALYZE STATUS 语句将显示集群级别的任务,且 TiDB 重启后仍能看到重启之前的任务记录。在 TiDB v6.1.0 之前,执行 SHOW ANALYZE STATUS 语句仅显示实例级别的任务,且 TiDB 重启后任务记录会被清空。

从 TiDB v6.1.0 起,你可以通过系统表 mysql.analyze_jobs 查看过去 7 天内的历史记录。


  1. ShowAnalyzeStatusStmt ::= 'SHOW' 'ANALYZE' 'STATUS' ShowLikeOrWhereOpt
  2. ShowLikeOrWhereOpt ::= 'LIKE' SimpleExpr | 'WHERE' Expression


  1. mysql> create table t(x int, index idx(x)) partition by hash(x) partitions 2;
  2. Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.69 sec)
  3. mysql> set @@tidb_analyze_version = 1;
  4. Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  5. mysql> analyze table t;
  6. Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.20 sec)
  7. mysql> show analyze status;
  8. +--------------+------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------+-------------+----------------+------------+
  9. | Table_schema | Table_name | Partition_name | Job_info | Processed_rows | Start_time | End_time | State | Fail_reason | Instance | Process_ID |
  10. +--------------+------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------+-------------+----------------+------------+
  11. | test | t | p1 | analyze index idx | 0 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | finished | NULL | | NULL |
  12. | test | t | p0 | analyze index idx | 0 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | finished | NULL | | NULL |
  13. | test | t | p1 | analyze columns | 0 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | finished | NULL | | NULL |
  14. | test | t | p0 | analyze columns | 0 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | finished | NULL | | NULL |
  15. +--------------+------------+----------------+-------------------+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------+-------------+----------------+------------+
  16. 4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
  17. mysql> set @@tidb_analyze_version = 2;
  18. Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
  19. mysql> analyze table t;
  20. Query OK, 0 rows affected, 2 warnings (0.03 sec)
  21. mysql> show analyze status;
  22. +--------------+------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------+-------------+----------------+------------+
  23. | Table_schema | Table_name | Partition_name | Job_info | Processed_rows | Start_time | End_time | State | Fail_reason | Instance | Process_ID |
  24. +--------------+------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------+-------------+----------------+------------+
  25. | test | t | p1 | analyze table all columns with 256 buckets, 500 topn, 1 samplerate | 0 | 2022-05-27 11:30:12 | 2022-05-27 11:30:12 | finished | NULL | | NULL |
  26. | test | t | p0 | analyze table all columns with 256 buckets, 500 topn, 1 samplerate | 0 | 2022-05-27 11:30:12 | 2022-05-27 11:30:12 | finished | NULL | | NULL |
  27. | test | t | p1 | analyze index idx | 0 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | finished | NULL | | NULL |
  28. | test | t | p0 | analyze index idx | 0 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | finished | NULL | | NULL |
  29. | test | t | p1 | analyze columns | 0 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | finished | NULL | | NULL |
  30. | test | t | p0 | analyze columns | 0 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | 2022-05-27 11:29:46 | finished | NULL | | NULL |
  31. +--------------+------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+---------------------+---------------------+----------+-------------+----------------+------------+
  32. 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MySQL 兼容性

该语句是 TiDB 对 MySQL 语法的扩展。
