
Frequently Asked Questions about Queries

Can I address a specific shard if I want to?

If necessary, you can access a specific shard by connecting to it using the shard specific database name. For a keyspace ks and shard -80, you would connect to ks:-80.

How do I choose between master vs. replica for queries?

You can qualify the keyspace name with the desired tablet type using the @ suffix. This can be specified as part of the connection as the database name, or can be changed on the fly through the USE command.

For example, ks@master will select ks as the default keyspace with all queries being sent to the master. Consequently ks@replica will load balance requests across all REPLICA tablet types, and ks@rdonly will choose RDONLY.

You can also specify the database name as @master, etc, which instructs Vitess that no default keyspace was specified, but that the requests are for the specified tablet type.

If no tablet type was specified, then VTGate chooses its default, which can be overridden with the -default_tablet_type command line argument.

There seems to be a 10 000 row limit per query. What if I want to do a full table scan?

Vitess supports different modes. In OLTP mode, the result size is typically limited to a preset number (10 000 rows by default). This limit can be adjusted based on your needs.

However, OLAP mode has no limit to the number of rows returned. In order to change to this mode, you may issue the following command before executing your query:

  1. set workload='olap'

You can also set the workload to dba mode, which allows you to override the implicit timeouts that exist in vttablet. However, this mode should be used judiciously as it supersedes shutdown and reparent commands.

The general convention is to send OLTP queries to REPLICA tablet types, and OLAP queries to RDONLY.

Is there a list of supported/unsupported queries?

Please see “SQL Syntax” under MySQL Compatibility.

If I have a log of all queries from my app. Is there a way I can try them against Vitess to see how they’ll work?

Yes. The vtexplain tool can be used to preview how your queries will be executed by Vitess. It can also be used to try different sharding scenarios before deciding on one.