

Particle emitters manage how many particles are in an effect, how they appear, move, and disappear, and how they are drawn. For example, a fire effect might be composed of three separate particle effects: flames, embers, and smoke. Each of these effects is managed by a separate particle emitter.

Emitters contain further controls such as spawners, initializers, and updaters.


Emitter nameA unique identifier for the particle emitter
Max particlesThe maximum number of active particles the emitter can manage at a given time, based on the particles' spawn rate and lifespan. If you leave this at 0, Xenko uses its own estimate.
LifespanNew particles have a lifespan between these two values
SpaceParticles in world space remain in the world space when the emitter moves away from them. Particles in local space always exist in the emitter's local coordinate system; if the emitter moves, rotates, or scales, the particles move with it.
RandomizeParticles use pseudo-random values for everything which requires randomness. If you set this to Time, different emitters generate different random numbers. If you set it to Fixed, different instances of the same effect behave identically. Position acts as Fixed but is different for different positions.
Draw priorityThis controls the order in which particles are drawn. Higher numbers have higher priority. For example, if this particle effect has a draw priority of 2, it will be drawn after a particle effect with a draw priority of 1.
SortingChoose if the articles should be drawn by depth (away from the camera), age (particles spawned first are drawn on top), order, or in no order none (good for additive particles, which need no sorting).
ShapeSpecifies the shape used to draw the particles
MaterialSpecifies the material used to render the particles
SpawnersSpawners control how quickly new particles are emitted. To emit particles, emitters must have at least one spawner.
InitializersInitializers set the initial values of new particles
UpdatersUpdaters update living particles every frame, changing their attributes. Updaters execute in the order in which they appear on the list.

See also