Material attributes


Material attributes define the core characteristics of a material, such as its diffuse color, diffuse shading model, and so on. Attributes are organized into geometry, shading, and misc.


There are two types of attribute:

  • attributes used as input values for a shading model (for example, the Diffuse attribute provides only color used by the diffuse shading model)
  • attributes that can change the shading model (for example, diffuse shading models, such as the lambert model, interprets the diffuse attribute color)Attributes contribute to a layer of a material. If a material is directly used as a model material, all its root attributes are considered part of the first layer.

You can also write custom shaders to use in material attributes.

In this section

See also

In this case, renaming the Windows article will be a trivial task if no one opposes it. I started the Talk page discussion first to 1) make sure my logic was sound 2) check I wasn't stepping on toes. I was being polite.