Physics simulation


Xenko's physics are controlled by the Simulation class.You can change how Xenko initializes the simulation by modifying flags in PhysicsSettings, accessed in the GameSettings asset properties.

Physics Settings

  • CollisionsOnly initializes the Simulation with collision detection turned on, but no other physics. Objects won't react to physical forces.

  • ContinuousCollisionDetection initializes the Simulation with continuous collision detection (CCD). CCD prevents fast-moving entities (such as bullets) erroneously passing through other entities.


The SoftBodySupport, MultiThreaded, and UseHardwareWhenPossible flags are currently disabled.

At runtime, you can change some Simulation parameters:

  • Gravity — the global gravity, in world units per second squared
  • FixedTimeStep — the length of a simulation timestep, in seconds
  • MaxSubSteps — the maximum number of fixed timesteps the engine takes per update

See also