
yarn global <add/bin/list/remove/upgrade> [—prefix]

yarn global 是一个命令前缀,可用于 addbinlistremove 等命令。 它们的行为和他们的普通版本相同,只是它们用一个全局目录来存储包。 该 global 命令显示为您准备的可执行文件的位置。

注:不像 npm 里的 —global 标志,global 是一个必须跟在 yarn 后面的命令。 输入 yarn add global package-name 会把名为 globalpackage-name 的包添加到本地,而非全局添加 package-name

这对于不是任何独立项目一部分、但用于本地命令的开发工具来说很有用。 一个这样的例子是 create-react-app,可以这样全局安装:

  1. $ yarn global add create-react-app --prefix /usr/local
  2. # the `create-react-app` command is now available globally:
  3. $ which create-react-app
  4. $ /usr/local/bin/create-react-app
  5. $ create-react-app


yarn global bin will output the location where Yarn will install symlinks to your installed executables. You can configure the base location with yarn config set prefix <filepath>. For example, yarn config set prefix ~/.yarn will ensure all global packages will have their executables installed to ~/.yarn/bin.

yarn global dir will print the output of the global installation folder that houses the global node_modules. By default that will be: ~/.config/yarn/global.

阅读更多可以和 yarn global 一起用的命令:

  • yarn add: 添加一个包用在你当前的项目里。
  • yarn bin: 显示 yarn bin 目录的位置。
  • yarn list: 列出已安装的包。
  • yarn remove: 从你当前包里移除一个不再使用的包。
  • yarn upgrade: upgrade packages to their latest version based on the specified range.
  • yarn upgrade-interactive: similar to upgrade command, but display the outdated packages before performing any upgrade, allowing the user to select which packages to upgrade.

原文: https://yarnpkg.com/zh-Hans/docs/cli/global