






向量通过闭合的#()表示,例如#(1 2 3)。作为字面值(literals)时,它们应该被引用(be quoted),例如:

  1. '#(1 2 3) ; 整数向量
  2. '#(a 0 #\a) ; 由符号、整数和字符构成的向量



(vector? obj)


(make-vector k)

(make-vector k fill)


(vector obj …)


(vector-length vector)


(vector-ref vector k)


(vector-set! vector k obj)


(vector->list vector)


(list->vector list)


(vector-fill! vector fill)



  1. (define (vector-add v1 v2)
  2. (let ((lenv1 (vector-length v1))
  3. (lenv2 (vector-length v2)))
  4. (if (= lenv1 lenv2)
  5. (let ((v (make-vector lenv1)))
  6. (let loop ((i 0))
  7. (if (= i lenv1)
  8. v
  9. (begin
  10. (vector-set! v i (+ (vector-ref v1 i) (vector-ref v2 i)))
  11. (loop (+ 1 i))))))
  12. (error "different dimensions."))))





虽然R5RS中没有定义结构体,但是在很多Scheme实现中,都实现了类似于Common Lisp中的结构体。




  • 标题
  • 作者
  • 出版商
  • 出版年份
  • ISBN号


  1. (define-structure book title authors publisher year isbn)

下面演示了如何注册“大教堂与市集(The Cathedral and Bazaar)”

  1. (define bazaar
  2. (make-book
  3. "The Cathedral and the Bazaar"
  4. "Eric S. Raymond"
  5. "O'Reilly"
  6. 1999
  7. 0596001088))


  1. (define-structure (book keyword-constructor copier)
  2. title authors publisher year isbn)
  3. (define bazaar
  4. (make-book
  5. 'title "The Cathedral and the Bazaar"
  6. 'authors "Eric S. Raymond"
  7. 'publisher "O'Reilly"
  8. 'year 1999
  9. 'isbn 0596001088))
  • 一个名字形如[the name of structure]?的函数用于检查某对象是否为特定结构体。例如,可使用函数book?来检查bazaar是否为book结构体的一个实例。
  1. (book? bazaar)
  2. ;Value: #t
  • 一个名字形如copy-[structure name]的函数用于拷贝结构体。例如,下面的代码演示了将bazaar拷贝到cathedral
  1. (define cathedral (copy-book bazaar))
  • 一个名字形如[structure name]-[attribute name]的函数用于读取结构体某属性的值。例如,下面的代码演示了如何读取bazaartitle属性。
  1. (book-title bazaar)
  2. ;Value 18: "The Cathedral and the Bazaar"
  • 一个名字形如set-[结构体名称]-[属性名称]!用于将某属性设定为特定值。下面的代码演示了如何将bazaaryear字段更新到2001(《大教堂与市集》2001年再版)。
  1. (set-book-year! bazaar 2001)
  2. ;Unspecified return value
  3. (book-year bazaar)
  4. ;Value: 2001

请参阅MIT/GNU Scheme Reference: 2.10 Structure Definitions以获得关于结构体的跟多信息。

The Mastermind — 一个简单的密码破解游戏


  1. bull的数量(Nbull)是指值和位置都正确的数字的数量。
  2. cow的数量(Ncow)是指值正确但位置错误的数字的数量。






  1. 5601 #(2 1 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0)
  2. 1685 #(0 4 0 0 0 1 3 0 2 0)





  1. 程序生成一个表,该表包含了所有不同四位数的向量表示。
  2. 程序从表中随机选取一个数字。
  3. 重洗步骤(1)产生的表。
  4. 程序首次猜用户的密码,用户给出bull和cow的数量。然后用户猜程序的密码,程序给出Nnull和Ncow。
  5. 重复步骤(3)直到电脑或者程序的bull数量变为4为止。如果在同一次双方的数量都变为4,就是平局。




  1. 01: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2. 02: ;;;
  3. 03: ;;; mastermind.scm
  4. 04: ;;; by T.Shido
  5. 05: ;;;
  6. 06: ;;; User and computer try to locate the four-digit integer set by the opponents each other.
  7. 07: ;;; One who locates the integer with fewer question is the winner.
  8. 08: ;;; The four-digit integer contains four of numerals 0--9, like 0123, 3749 etc.
  9. 09: ;;; The opponents should tell the guesser
  10. 10: ;;; (1) number of numerals that are shared by the guessed and set numbers
  11. 11: ;;; at wrong position (cows)
  12. 12: ;;; and (2) number of numerals at collect position (bulls).
  13. 13: ;;;
  14. 14: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  15. 15: ;;;
  16. 16: ;;; The four-digit integers are represented by 10-cell vectors in the program
  17. 17: ;;; The value of n-th cell is the number of column that n appears in the integer.
  18. 18: ;;; in n is not appears the value is 0.
  19. 19: ;;; for example, 1234 is represented as #(0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0) and
  20. 20: ;;; 3916 as #(0 2 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 3).
  21. 21: ;;; With this inner representation, the score of the guess can be calculated faster.
  22. 22: ;;;
  23. 23: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  24. 24:
  25. 25:
  26. 26: ;;;
  27. 27: (define (1- x) (- x 1))
  28. 28:
  29. 29: ;;;
  30. 30: (define (char2int c)
  31. 31: (- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0)))
  32. 32:
  33. 33: ;;; converting a list of 4 numbers to the vector notation
  34. 34: (define (ls2nvec ls)
  35. 35: (let ((vec (make-vector 10 0)))
  36. 36: (let loop ((i (length ls)) (ls ls))
  37. 37: (if (> i 0)
  38. 38: (begin
  39. 39: (vector-set! vec (car ls) i)
  40. 40: (loop (1- i) (cdr ls)))
  41. 41: vec))))
  42. 42:
  43. 43: ;;; converting the vector notation to string
  44. 44: (define (nvec2int vec)
  45. 45: (let loop ((i 0) (n 0))
  46. 46: (if (= i 10)
  47. 47: n
  48. 48: (let ((j (vector-ref vec i)))
  49. 49: (loop (1+ i) (+ n (if (> j 0)
  50. 50: (* i (expt 10 (1- j)))
  51. 51: 0)))))))
  52. 52:
  53. 53: ;;;
  54. 54: (define (int2str i)
  55. 55: (string-append
  56. 56: (if (< i 1000) "0" "")
  57. 57: (number->string i)))
  58. 58:
  59. 59: ;;; reading integer from stdin
  60. 60: (define (read-integer str)
  61. 61: (string->number (read-from-stdin str)))
  62. 62:
  63. 63: ;;;
  64. 64: (define (read-from-stdin str)
  65. 65: (display str)
  66. 66: (newline)
  67. 67: (read-line))
  68. 68:
  69. 69: ;;;
  70. 70: (define (write-to-stdout . ls)
  71. 71: (for-each (lambda (obj) (display obj)) ls)
  72. 72: (newline))
  73. 73:
  74. 74: ;;; convert numeral string to the vector representation.
  75. 75: (define (str2nvec str)
  76. 76: (let ((vec (make-vector 10 0)))
  77. 77: (let loop ((i (string-length str)) (ls (string->list str)))
  78. 78: (if (pair? ls)
  79. 79: (begin
  80. 80: (vector-set! vec (char2int (car ls)) i)
  81. 81: (loop (1- i) (cdr ls)))
  82. 82: vec))))
  83. 83:
  84. 84: ;;; calculating the score of guess
  85. 85: (define (scoring vec0 vec1)
  86. 86: (let ((n (vector-length vec0)))
  87. 87: (let loop ((i 0) (score 0))
  88. 88: (if (< i n)
  89. 89: (let ((d0 (vector-ref vec0 i))
  90. 90: (d1 (vector-ref vec1 i)))
  91. 91: (loop (1+ i)
  92. 92: (+ score (if (and (< 0 d0) (< 0 d1))
  93. 93: (if (= d0 d1) 5 1)
  94. 94: 0))))
  95. 95: score))))
  96. 96:
  97. 97: ;;; show bulls and cows calculated from the score of user's guess
  98. 98: (define (show-user-score score)
  99. 99: (write-to-stdout "Number of bulls and cows in your guess:" )
  100. 100: (write-to-stdout "bulls: " (quotient score 5))
  101. 101: (write-to-stdout "cows: " (modulo score 5))
  102. 102: (newline))
  103. 103:
  104. 104: ;;; calculating the score of computer's guess from bulls and cows
  105. 105: (define (read-my-score gu0)
  106. 106: (write-to-stdout "My guess is: " (int2str (nvec2int gu0)))
  107. 107: (write-to-stdout "Give number of bulls and cows in my guess." )
  108. 108: (let ((na5 (* 5 (read-integer "bulls: "))))
  109. 109: (+ na5 (read-integer "cows: ")))) ; the score is calculated by (5 * bull + cow)
  110. 110:
  111. 111: ;;; reading the user guess
  112. 112: (define (read-user-guess)
  113. 113: (newline)
  114. 114: (str2nvec (read-from-stdin "Give your guess.")))
  115. 115:
  116. 116: ;;; shuffling the list of four-digit numbers
  117. 117: (define (shuffle-numbers ls0)
  118. 118: (let ((vec (list->vector ls0)))
  119. 119: (let loop ((n (vector-length vec)) (ls1 '()))
  120. 120: (if (= n 0)
  121. 121: ls1
  122. 122: (let* ((r (random n))
  123. 123: (v (vector-ref vec r)))
  124. 124: (vector-set! vec r (vector-ref vec (1- n)))
  125. 125: (loop (1- n) (cons v ls1)))))))
  126. 126:
  127. 127: ;;; making a list of four-digit numbers in which numeral 0--9 appear once
  128. 128: (define (make-numbers)
  129. 129: (let ((ls1 '()))
  130. 130: (letrec ((rec (lambda (i num ls)
  131. 131: (if (= i 4)
  132. 132: (set! ls1 (cons (ls2nvec ls) ls1))
  133. 133: (for-each
  134. 134: (lambda (n)
  135. 135: (rec (1+ i) (delv n num) (cons n ls)))
  136. 136: num)))))
  137. 137: (rec 0 '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) '()))
  138. 138: ls1))
  139. 139:
  140. 140: ;;;
  141. 141: (define (game-over sc0 sc1)
  142. 142: (write-to-stdout
  143. 143: (cond
  144. 144: ((= sc0 sc1) "Draw")
  145. 145: ((> sc0 sc1) "I won.")
  146. 146: (else "You won.")))
  147. 147: 'game-over)
  148. 148:
  149. 149: (define (scoring-user-guess an0 gu1)
  150. 150: (let ((sc1 (scoring an0 gu1)))
  151. 151: (show-user-score sc1)
  152. 152: sc1))
  153. 153:
  154. 154: ;;; Practical main function. tail recursive.
  155. 155: (define (mastermind-rec an0 candidates)
  156. 156: (if (null? candidates)
  157. 157: (error "Error. You gave wrong score for my guess, probably.")
  158. 158: (let ((gu0 (car candidates)))
  159. 159: (let ((sc1 (scoring-user-guess an0 (read-user-guess)))
  160. 160: (sc0 (read-my-score gu0)))
  161. 161: (if (or (= sc0 20) (= sc1 20))
  162. 162: (game-over sc0 sc1)
  163. 163: (mastermind-rec an0
  164. 164: (keep-matching-items
  165. 165: (cdr candidates)
  166. 166: (lambda (x) (= (scoring gu0 x) sc0)))))))))
  167. 167:
  168. 168: ;;; The main function called from the top-level
  169. 169: (define (mastermind)
  170. 170: (let ((ls0 (make-numbers)))
  171. 171: (mastermind-rec (list-ref ls0 (random (length ls0))) (shuffle-numbers ls0))))
行数 函数 说明
27 (1- x) x减一
30 (char2int c) 将字符c(#\0 — #\9)转换为整数(0 — 9)。
34 (ls2nvec ls) 将四个数字的表(ls)转换为向量表达式。'(5 3 6 0)->#(1 0 0 3 0 4 2 0 0 0)
44 (nvec2int vec) 将向量表达式vec转换为普通整数。
54 (int2str i) 将一个四位数i转换为字符串。如果i小于1000,’0’被置于高位。
64 (read-from-stdin str) str显示于标准输出,并返回用户从标准输入输入的字符串。
70 (write-to-stdout . ls) ls的每个元素都输出到标准输出,并在行尾插入行结束符。
75 (str2nvec str) 将用户输入的表示四位数的字符串str转换为向量表达式。
86 (scoring vec0 vec1) 以(5*Nnull + Ncow)计算两个整数(向量表达式)vec0vec1的相似程度。
98 (show-user-score score) 通过相似度score计算Nbull和Ncow,并将它们显示在标准输出。
105 (read-my-score gu0) 显示计算机的猜测(gu0),让用户输入Nnull和Ncow,返回相似度score。
112 (read-user-guess) 返回用户猜测的向量表达式。
116 (shuffle-numbers ls0) 随机排序ls0。由于有随机读取的需求,将ls0转换为向量,然后随机读取向量的元素,以创建一个重排过的表。
128 (make-numbers) 返回由所有不同四位数构成的表。
141 (game-over sc0 sc1) 通过比较计算机的得分(sc0)和用户的得分(sc1)确定胜利者。
149 (scoring-user-guess an0 gu1) 计算计算机的密码(an0)和用户的猜测(gu1)的相似度,使用show-uuser-score输出Nbull和Ncow。
155 (mastermind-rec an0 candidates) 实际的主程序,它有两个参数;计算机密码(an0)和 猜测的表(candidate)。它计算计算机的得分(sc0)和用户的得分(sc1),如果sc0或者sc1为20,调用 (game-over sc0 sc1)。如果没有值为20,它根据sc0过滤猜测的表(candidate),并继续游戏。
169 (mastermind) 在控制台调用该函数以开始游戏。



  1. (compile-file "mastermind.scm")
  2. (load "mastermind")
  3. (mastermind)






  1. (define (inner-product vec1 vec2)
  2. (let ((len1 (vector-length vec1))
  3. (len2 (vector-length vec2)))
  4. (if (= len1 len2)
  5. (let loop ((i 0) (pro 0))
  6. (if (= i len1)
  7. pro
  8. (loop (+ 1 i)
  9. (+ pro (* (vector-ref vec1 i) (vector-ref vec2 i))))))
  10. (error "different dimensions."))))