
要安装 Zephir, 请按照下列步骤操作:



  • Zephir parser >= 1.1.0
  • A C编译器,例如 gcc

    • re2c 0.13.6 或更高版本
    • PHP development headers and tools 对于基于 linux 的系统, 您还需要:

    • GNU make 3.81 or later

    • autoconf 2.31 或更高版本
    • automake 1.14 或更高版本
    • libpcre3
    • 在 ubuntu 上 gcc 时使用build-essential 包 (也可能在其他发行版中使用) 如果您使用的是 ubuntu, 则可以通过以下方式安装所需的包:
  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get install git gcc make re2c php php-json php-dev libpcre3-dev build-essential



  1. php -v
  1. PHP 7.2.17-0ubuntu0.19.04.1 (cli) (built: Apr 18 2019 18:01:25) ( NTS )
  2. Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
  3. Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies
  4. with Zend OPcache v7.2.17-0ubuntu0.19.04.1, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies
  5. with Xdebug v2.6.1, Copyright (c) 2002-2018, by Derick Rethans

此外, 请确保您在安装 php 的同时安装了 php 开发库:

  1. phpize -v
  1. Configuring for:
  2. PHP Api Version: 20170718
  3. Zend Module Api No: 20170718
  4. Zend Extension Api No: 320170718


  1. ## 安装 Zephir
  2. 首先, 确保安装并激活了 Zephir 解析器扩展。 你可以按照这个 [tutorial](https://github.com/phalcon/php-zephir-parser)。
  3. ### Release PHAR
  4. The recommended, **officially supported**, and easiest-to-use way to install Zephir is to simply grab the latest release PHAR [from GitHub](https://github.com/phalcon/zephir/releases/latest), and download/move it to somewhere in your `$PATH`. (You'll probably also want to rename it to drop the `.phar` extension, so you can run it as `zephir` instead of `zephir.phar`.)
  5. ### Composer
  6. The PHAR isn't available before 0.11.4, so if you need an older version, you can use Composer, in one of two ways:
  7. #### Global Composer Application
  8. ```bash
  9. composer global require phalcon/zephir
  10. ```
  11. There are two approaches to running Zephir at this point. The first is to ensure that `${COMPOSER_HOME}/vendor/bin` is in your `$PATH`, then Zephir should be available as `zephir` on the command line. The second is to simply use `composer global exec zephir` instead.
  12. #### Project Dependency
  13. ```bash
  14. composer require phalcon/zephir
  15. ```
  16. Use `composer exec zephir` within the project you installed Zephir in, above, to run it. (Alternately, you can still run `vendor/bin/zephir`.)
  17. ### Git Clone
  18. Finally, you can also simply clone the latest tag from GitHub, install the dependencies, and run Zephir from there:
  19. ```bash
  20. git clone --depth 1 -b $(git ls-remote https://github.com/phalcon/zephir 0.11.* | sort -t/ -k3 -Vr | head -n1 | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }') https://github.com/phalcon/zephir
  21. composer install
  22. ```
  23. You'll need to either use the path to `zephir/zephir`, or create a symlink in a directory in your `$PATH`, to run Zephir using this option.

  1. ## 测试安装
  2. 检查Zephir是否可以从任何目录执行:
  3. ```bash
  4. zephir list
  5. ```