书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.020 秒,为您找到 2641 个相关结果.
  • Configuring Pools

    339 2020-12-05 《Ceph v15.2 Document》
    Pools Tuning Pool Namespaces Pools The Ceph Object Gateway uses several pools for its various storage needs, which are listed in the Zone object (see radosgw-admin zone get )...
  • Configuring Pools

    560 2019-12-29 《Ceph v15.0 Document》
    Pools Tuning Pool Namespaces Pools The Ceph Object Gateway uses several pools for its various storage needs,which are listed in the Zone object (see radosgw-admin zone get )....
  • CephContext

    748 2019-12-29 《Ceph v15.0 Document》
    CephContext CephContext A CephContext represents a single view of the Ceph cluster. It comes completewith a configuration, a set of performance counters (PerfCounters), and ahe...
  • 持久卷和存储类型

    持久卷和存储类型 介绍 准备工作 管理存储类型 常用设置 QingCloud CSI 准备工作 设置 GlusterFS 准备工作 设置 Ceph RBD 准备工作 设置 自定义存储类型 NFS 介绍 准备工作 常用设置 参数 存储类型详情页 管理存储卷 管理存储卷实例 存储卷实例列表页面 存储卷实例详情页面 ...
  • puppet-glance

    puppet-glance 模块 0. 项目简介 1.先睹为快 2.核心代码讲解 2.1 class glance 2.2 class glance::api 2.3 Class glance::registry Class glance::notify::rabbitmq 2.4 Class glance::backend::rbd ...
  • RBD命令

    RBD命令 检查Pool 创建Image 修改Image大小 使用Image 移除Image 删除Image RBD命令 检查Pool Ceph启动后默认创建rbd这个pool,使用rbd命令默认使用它,我们也可以创建新的pool。 rados lspools ceph osd pool create rbd_pool 102...
  • Quickstart

    557 2020-05-08 《Rook 1.2 Document》
    Quickstart Guides Quickstart Guides Welcome to Rook! We hope you have a great experience installing the Rook cloud-native storage orchestrator platform to enable highly availa...
  • Contributing

    531 2020-05-08 《Rook 1.3 Document》
    Contributing Prerequisites Initial Setup Create a Fork Clone Your Fork Build Development Settings Add Upstream Remote Layout Development Design Document Create a Branch U...
  • HashiCorp Vault Integration

    1271 2019-12-29 《Ceph v15.0 Document》
    HashiCorp Vault Integration Vault secrets engines KV secrets engine Transit secrets engine Vault authentication Token authentication Vault agent Vault namespaces Create a ke...