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  • Util

    util URL Characters escape Query Strings util util.inherits Regex Common Modules util [Doc] URL [Doc] Query Strings [Doc] Utilities [Basic] Regex URL ┌──────────...
  • 部署项目

    部署项目 GNU/Linux/Mac 环境下部署 第一步 安装 Node.js 环境 第二步 安装 Redis 缓存服务 第三步 安装应用 Windows 环境下部署 第一步 安装 Node.js 环境 第二步 下载并安装 Redis windows 版。 备选下载地址 第三步 解压应用 第四步 修改数据库配置文件 第五步 安装应用所需要的 ...
  • Control Kong Gateway through systemd

    Control Kong Gateway through systemd systemd commands for working with Kong Gateway Start Kong Gateway Stop Kong Gateway Start Kong Gateway at system boot Restart Kong Gateway ...
  • 安装Git

    安装Git 在Linux上安装Git 在Mac OS X上安装Git 在Windows上安装Git 读后有收获可以支付宝请作者喝咖啡: 安装Git 最早Git是在Linux上开发的,很长一段时间内,Git也只能在Linux和Unix系统上跑。不过,慢慢地有人把它移植到了Windows上。现在,Git可以在Linux、Unix、Mac和Wind...
  • 14.2 CDash显示测试覆盖率

    14.2 CDash显示测试覆盖率 准备工作 具体实施 工作原理 更多信息 14.2 CDash显示测试覆盖率 NOTE :此示例代码可以在 https://github.com/dev-cafe/cmake-cookbook/tree/v1.0/chapter-14/recipe-02 中找到,其中包含一个C++示例。该示例在CMake ...
  • Running Kong as a Non-Root User

    Running Kong as a Non-Root User Prerequisites Run Kong Gateway as the built-in kong user Run Kong Gateway as a custom non-root user Running Kong as a Non-Root User After inst...
  • Migrating from MongoDB

    CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB is a distributed SQL database that makes it simple to store and analyze massive amounts of machine data in real-time. Note ...
  • CrateDB multi-zone setup

    CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB is a distributed SQL database that makes it simple to store and analyze massive amounts of machine data in real-time. Note ...
  • CrateDB and cloud hosting

    CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB is a distributed SQL database that makes it simple to store and analyze massive amounts of machine data in real-time. Note ...
  • Run CrateDB on Ubuntu

    CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB How-To Guides CrateDB is a distributed SQL database that makes it simple to store and analyze massive amounts of machine data in real-time. Note ...