书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.025 秒,为您找到 23521 个相关结果.
  • Apache SkyWalking

    Apache SkyWalking 安装 选项 1:快速开始 选项 2:自定义安装 使用 Apache SkyWalking Apache SkyWalking 是一个专门设计用于微服务、 云原生和容器等架构的应用性能监控 (APM) 系统。SkyWalking 是可观测性的一站式解决方案, 不仅具有像 Jaeger 和 Zipkin 的分布...
  • Apache SkyWalking

    Apache SkyWalking 配置跟踪 部署 SkyWalking 采集器 部署 Bookinfo 应用 访问仪表板 使用 Bookinfo 样例生成链路 探索 SkyWalking 官方的演示应用 清理 Apache SkyWalking 完成本任务之后,您将明白如何使用 Apache SkyWalking 跟踪应用,这与用于构...
  • Apache Kafka

    Apache Kafka Component format Spec metadata fields Note Authentication None SASL Password Mutual TLS OAuth2 or OpenID Connect Communication using TLS Sending and receivin...
  • Apache Kafka

    Apache Kafka Connect to Apache Kafka Limitations Prepare How to use Create route Enabling TLS and SASL/PLAIN authentication Apache Kafka Connect to Apache Kafka Connectin...
  • Apache httpd

    Apache httpd Domain Name Configuration Apache httpd Apache httpd is a fast, production level HTTP server. When serving your application with one of the WSGI servers listed in...
  • Apache Derby

    Apache Derby Apache Derby Option Info Type Relational Driver Included Version Included Hop Dependencies None Documentation Documentation Link JDBC Url jd...
  • Apache Doris

    Apache Doris Apache Doris Doris is compatible with MySQL so you can use the MySQL or MariaDB JDBC drivers. Please see the Apache Doris website for more information. Option I...
  • Apache Kafka

    Apache Kafka Component format Spec metadata fields Authentication None SASL Password Mutual TLS OAuth2 or OpenID Connect Communication using TLS Per-call metadata fields Pa...
  • Apache Ranger

    Apache Ranger Apache Ranger Apache Ranger™ is a framework to enable, monitor and manage comprehensive data security across the Hadoop platform. Apache Ranger has supported Ozone...
  • Apache Ranger

    Apache Ranger Apache Ranger Apache Ranger™ 是一个用于管理和监控 Hadoop 平台复杂数据权限的框架。Apache Ranger 从2.0版本开始支持Ozone鉴权。但由于在2.0中存在一些bug,因此我们更推荐使用Apache Ranger 2.1及以后版本。 你需要先在你的 Hadoop 集群上安装 A...