书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.032 秒,为您找到 3906 个相关结果.
  • OAuth

    Configure API authorization with OAuth Register your application with a authorization server Define the middleware component definition Define an Authorization Code Grant componen...
  • OAuth

    使用 OAuth 配置 API 授权 Register your application with a authorization server Define the middleware component definition Define an Authorization Code Grant component Define a custom p...
  • OAuth

    使用 OAuth 配置 API 授权 Register your application with a authorization server Define the middleware component definition Define an Authorization Code Grant component Define a custom p...
  • OAuth

    OAuth extensions.filters.http.oauth2.v3.OAuth2Credentials extensions.filters.http.oauth2.v3.OAuth2Config extensions.filters.http.oauth2.v3.OAuth2 OAuth This extension may be ...
  • OAuth

    使用 OAuth 配置 API 授权 Register your application with a authorization server Define the middleware component definition Define an Authorization Code Grant component Define a custom p...
  • OAuth

    OAuth note Guide, example and testing OAuth note This help topic is in development and will be updated in the future. OAuth defines a mechanism for authentication us...
  • oauth

    定义 属性列表 令牌自省 公钥自省 故障排除 定义 OAuth 2 / Open ID Connect(OIDC)插件为 APISIX 提供身份验证和自省功能。 属性列表 名称 必选项 描述 client_id 必要的 OAuth 客户端 ID client_secret 必要的 OAuth 客户端 secret discovery 必...
  • OAuth

    1482 2020-02-07 《HTML5 Plus API 指南》
    oauth 方法: 对象: 回调方法: 权限: getServices 说明: 参数: 返回值: 示例: AuthService 说明: 属性: 方法: id 说明: description 说明: appleInfo 说明: authResult 说明: userInfo 说明: extra 说明: au...
  • OAuth

    Configure API authorization with OAuth Register your application with a authorization server Define the middleware component definition Define an Authorization Code Grant componen...
  • OAuth

    使用 OAuth 配置 API 授权 Register your application with a authorization server Define the middleware component definition Define an Authorization Code Grant component Define a custom p...