书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.018 秒,为您找到 13 个相关结果.
  • 4.7 Replication

    4.7 Replication Replicated Logs: Quorums, ISRs, and State Machines (Oh my!) Unclean leader election: What if they all die? Availability and Durability Guarantees Replica Managem...
  • 跨机房同步设计原理

    背景 架构选择 基本概念 流程 日志完整性 关于热备份的基本概念和使用可以参照 wiki:跨机房同步 ,这里将主要描述跨机房同步的设计方案和执行细节。 背景 小米内部有些业务对服务可用性有较高要求,但又不堪每年数次机房故障的烦恼,于是向 pegasus 团队寻求帮助,希望在机房故障时,服务能够切换流量至备用机房而数据不致丢失。因为成本所限,...
  • 4.7 Replication

    4.7 Replication Replicated Logs: Quorums, ISRs, and State Machines (Oh my!) Unclean leader election: What if they all die? Availability and Durability Guarantees Replica Managem...