书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.026 秒,为您找到 293 个相关结果.
  • supervisord 配置后台服务/常驻进程的进程管家工具

    supervisord 安装 实例 下载地址 supervisord 配置后台服务/常驻进程的进程管家工具 安装 # 安装 supervisord apt - get install supervisor 实例 生成配置文件 /etc/supervisord.conf [ program : app ] command...
  • Libraries that integrate Third Party Applications with Supervisor

    Libraries that integrate Third Party Applications with Supervisor Libraries that integrate Third Party Applications with Supervisor These are libraries and plugins that makes i...
  • Running Supervisor

    Running Supervisor Adding a Program Running supervisord supervisord Command-Line Options Running supervisorctl supervisorctl Command-Line Options supervisorctl Actions Signal...
  • Daemontools 工具介绍

    1081 2019-03-05 《征服 Linux》
    daemontools 工具 supervisord Logstash 进程进行守护 设置 supervisord 开启自启动 CentOS 6 CentOS 7 资料 daemontools 工具 supervisord 注意:Supervisor 能管理非 daemon 的进程,也就是说 Supervisor 不能管理守护进程。...
  • 应用部署

    1439 2018-02-08 《Go Web 编程》
    12.3 应用部署 daemon Supervisord管理 小结 links 12.3 应用部署 程序开发完毕之后,我们现在要部署Web应用程序了,但是我们如何来部署这些应用程序呢?因为Go程序编译之后是一个可执行文件,编写过C程序的读者一定知道采用daemon就可以完美的实现程序后台持续运行,但是目前Go还无法完美的实现daemon,因此...
  • Subprocess Environment

    Subprocess Environment Subprocess Environment Subprocesses will inherit the environment of the shell used to startthe supervisord program. Several environment variableswill be...
  • supervisor 部署

    Supervisord supervisord 安装 supervisord 管理 Supervisord Supervisord 是用 Python 实现的一款非常实用的进程管理工具,supervisord 还要求管理的程序是非 daemon 程序,supervisord 会帮你把它转成 daemon 程序,因此如果用 supervisord ...
  • Subprocesses

    Subprocesses Subprocesses supervisord ‘s primary purpose is to create and manageprocesses based on data in its configuration file. It does this bycreating subprocesses. Each su...
  • Supervisor的使用

    1. Supervisor简介 2. Supervisor安装 3. Supervisor的配置 3.1. supervisord.conf的配置 3.2. 管理应用的配置 4. Surpervisor的启动 5. supervisorctl&supervisord 5.1. supervisorctl 5.2. supervisord 6...
  • Third Party Applications and Libraries

    Third Party Applications and Libraries Dashboards and Tools for Multiple Supervisor Instances Third Party Plugins and Libraries for Supervisor Libraries that integrate Third Part...