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  • Why

    为什么dtm 现实问题 dtm能带来什么 开源 为什么dtm 现实问题 dtm项目起源于实际项目中的问题。我们在公司内部,涉及订单支付的服务,会将所有业务相关逻辑放到一个大的本地事务,这会导致大量耦合,复杂度大幅提升。 我们在进行go语言的微服务化过程中,需要将原先的事务拆分成分布式事务。我们调研了一遍市场上面的开源项目,只有java有成熟的...
  • Why Scripting? Why a Shell?

    Why Scripting? Why a Shell? Why Scripting? Why a Shell? Before we dive into PowerShell itself, let’s tackle the importance of scripting and automation, an integral facet of Pow...
  • Why Dask?

    676 2020-01-13 《Dask 2.9.1 Document》
    Why Dask? Python’s role in Data Science Dask has a Familiar API Dask Scales out to Clusters Dask Scales Down to Single Computers Dask Integrates Natively with Python Code Dask...
  • Asking “Why?”

    Asking “Why?” Asking “Why?” The intended take-away from this chapter is that there’s a lot more to JS under the hood than is obvious from glancing at the surface. As you are g...
  • Why txtai?

    Why txtai? Why txtai? In addition to traditional search systems, a growing number of semantic search solutions are available, so why txtai? Up and running in minutes with p...
  • Why transactions?

    Why transactions? 流处理的需求 幂等生产者的局限性 Why transactions? Pulsar事务 (txn) 使事件流应用程序能够在一个原子操作中消费、处理和生成消息。 开发此功能的原因可以总结如下。 流处理的需求 随着流处理的兴起,对具有更强处理保证的流处理应用的需求也在增长。 例如,在金融行业,金融机构使用流处理引...
  • Why GreptimeDB

    Why GreptimeDB Availability, Scalability, and Elasticity Resource Isolation for Elastic Scaling Flexible Architecture Supports Various Deployment Strategies Cost-Effective High...
  • Why KubeEdge

    Why KubeEdge Advantages Components Architecture Why KubeEdge KubeEdge is an open source system extending native containerized application orchestration and device management...
  • Why transactions?

    Why transactions? Demand of stream processing Limitation of idempotent producer Why transactions? Pulsar transactions (txn) enable event streaming applications to consume, pro...
  • Why KubeEdge

    Why KubeEdge Advantages Components Architecture Why KubeEdge KubeEdge is an open source system extending native containerized application orchestration and device management...