书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.006 秒,为您找到 57 个相关结果.
  • Fleet v0.4 Documentation

    Fleet is GitOps at scale. Fleet is designed to manage multiple clusters. Fleet can manage deployments from git of raw Kubernetes YAML, Helm charts, or Kustomize or any combination ...
  • Visual Studio Code (vscode) v1.51 Extension API

    Visual Studio Code is built with extensibility in mind. From the UI to the editing experience, almost every part of VS Code can be customized and enhanced through the Extension API...
  • PyMongo 3.10.0 Documentation

    PyMongo is a Python distribution containing tools for working with MongoDB, and is the recommended way to work with MongoDB from Python. This documentation attempts to explain ever...
  • PyMongo 3.12.2 Documentation

    PyMongo is a Python distribution containing tools for working with MongoDB, and is the recommended way to work with MongoDB from Python. This documentation attempts to explain ever...
  • Open Policy Agent v0.30.2 Documentation

    The Open Policy Agent (OPA, pronounced “oh-pa”) is an open source, general-purpose policy engine that unifies policy enforcement across the stack. OPA provides a high-level declara...
  • Fleet v0.9 Documentation

    Fleet is GitOps at scale. Fleet is designed to manage multiple clusters. Fleet can manage deployments from git of raw Kubernetes YAML, Helm charts, or Kustomize or any combination ...
  • Fleet v0.6 Documentation

    Fleet is GitOps at scale. Fleet is designed to manage multiple clusters. Fleet can manage deployments from git of raw Kubernetes YAML, Helm charts, or Kustomize or any combination ...
  • Fleet v0.5 Documentation

    Fleet is GitOps at scale. Fleet is designed to manage multiple clusters. Fleet can manage deployments from git of raw Kubernetes YAML, Helm charts, or Kustomize or any combination ...
  • Prometheus v1.13 Documentation

    Prometheus, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project, is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule ...
  • Gunicorn 19.10.0 Documentation

    Gunicorn ‘Green Unicorn’ is a Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX. It’s a pre-fork worker model ported from Ruby’s Unicorn project. The Gunicorn server is broadly compatible with vari...