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  • 第 001 篇:rqlite,基于 SQLite 的轻量级、分布式关系数据库

    1057 2023-05-24 《刻舟求荐》
    rqlite的特点 rqlite的架构设计 rqlite的安装 rqlite的使用 rqlite的分布式部署 rqlite的备份和恢复 rqlite的安全性 rqlite的性能 相关资源 rqlite是一个使用Go语言开发的轻量级的分布式数据库,它使用SQLite作为后端存储引擎,可以通过HTTP API进行访问,具有高可用性和可扩展...
  • Guides

    Guides Kubernetes Security Performance Backup and Restore Monitoring rqlite Guides Detailed guides on specific topics Kubernetes How to deploy and run rqlite on Kuberne...
  • Performance

    Performance In-memory databases Performance Factors Disk Network Improving Performance Batching Queued Writes Use more powerful hardware Use a memory-backed filesystem Impr...
  • Guides

    Guides Kubernetes Security Performance Backup and Restore Monitoring rqlite Guides Detailed guides on specific topics Kubernetes How to deploy and run rqlite on Kuberne...
  • FAQ

    FAQ What exactly does rqlite do? Why would I use this, versus some other distributed database? How do I access the database? How do I monitor rqlite? Is it a drop-in replacemen...
  • Backup and Restore

    Backup and Restore Backing up rqlite Generating a SQL text dump Backup isolation level Requesting a VACUUMed copy Automatic Backups Amazon S3 Other configuration options Res...
  • Design and implementation

    rqlite Design High-level design Design presentations Blog posts Other design details Raft SQLite Log Compaction and Truncation rqlite Design Learn about the design and im...
  • Design and implementation

    rqlite Design High-level design Design presentations Blog posts Other design details Raft SQLite Log Compaction and Truncation rqlite Design Learn about the design and im...
  • Developer Guide

    Developer Guide Accessing rqlite Bulk Writes Queued Writes Read Consistency Non-deterministic functions Client Libraries Developer Guide rqlite guide for developers Acc...
  • Clustering

    Clustering General guidelines Automatic clustering Read-only nodes Clustering How to create and manage rqlite clusters for high-availability and fault tolerance General gu...