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  • Install the HA Apollo cluster in Rainbond with one-click

      Background Combination of Rainbond and Apollo About application template Prerequisite Quick Start Access the built-in open source app store One-click install Testing Conf...
  • 图标 KLIcon

    图标 KLIcon 基本形式 图标列表 API KLIcon KLIcon 图标 KLIcon 基本形式 推荐使用kl-icon 组件, 不要使用nek-ui 内部的icon class <kl-icon type = "home2" /> <kl-icon type = "home2" font-size ...
  • 图标 KLIcon

    代码演示 基本形式 设置icon大小和颜色 图标列表(点击图标按钮复制图标代码,下放代码请先忽视) API Classes Functions KLIcon new KLIcon() config() 使用字体图标,可以很方便地在任何位置放置矢量图形。本主题的部分字体图标由Font Awesome 提供。 代码演示 ...
  • Compose and Deploy WordPress

    Compose and Deploy WordPress WordPress Introduction Objective Prerequisites Estimated Time Hands-on Lab Step 1: Create Secrets Create a MySQL Secret Create a WordPress Secret ...
  • Menus(菜单)

    菜单 用例 API 实战场 示例 绝对定位 菜单带有激活器和提示 悬停 自定义过渡 禁用 X 偏移 Y 偏移 点击关闭 点击内容后关闭 没有激活时的绝对定位 菜单 弹出菜单 无障碍 菜单 v-menu 组件在激活它的元素的位置上展示一个菜单。 用例 请记住将激活菜单的元素放置在 activator 插槽中。...
  • Compose and Deploy Wordpress

    Compose and Deploy Wordpress WordPress Introduction Objective Prerequisites Estimated Time Hands-on Lab Task 1: Create Secrets Create a MySQL Secret Create a WordPress Secret ...
  • SQL Editor

    Results Panel Layout Adjustment Hyperlinks Active Database/Schema Selection You can create multiple SQL scripts for a single connection. Every script opens in its own SQL edit...
  • Data View and Format

    Ordering Data in Columns Managing Display of Columns in Data Table Sorting Columns in Data Table Grid vs. Plain Text Views Table vs. Record Views Rows Coloring Coloring by Da...
  • Data Viewing and Editing

    Inline Editing Cell Editor Adding, Copying and Deleting Rows Copying/Pasting Cells Defining Virtual Keys You can do inline editing (see the Inline Editing section below) as w...
  • 可用事件说明

    图片轮播(enhancer-image-slider) 用法 可用事件说明 图片滑动 (On Image Slide) 单击图片 (On Image Click) 双击图片 (On Image Double Click) 单击缩略图 (On Thumbnail Click) 双击缩略图 (On Thumbnail Double Click) 点击左...