书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.015 秒,为您找到 15961 个相关结果.
  • Google Chat

    Google Chat Parameters Configuration Templates Google Chat Parameters The Google Chat notification service send message notifications to a google chat webhook. This service ...
  • Google Sheets

    Google Sheets Google Sheets Google Sheets has a very limited SQL API . The recommended connector library for Google Sheets is shillelagh . There are a few steps involved in con...
  • Google Drive

    Google Drive VFS Scheme Configuration Usage and testing Google Drive VFS Scheme The scheme you can use to access your files in Google Drive is **googledrive://** Configu...
  • Google Dataproc

    Running Alluxio on Google Cloud Dataproc Overview Prerequisites Basic Setup Create a cluster Customization Next steps Compute Applications Running Alluxio on Google ...
  • Google Dataproc

    Running Alluxio on Google Cloud Dataproc Overview Prerequisites Basic Setup Next steps Spark on Alluxio in Dataproc Presto on Alluxio in Dataproc Running Alluxio on Googl...
  • Google 博客

    Google 博客 Google 博客 模块名: google_blogger 本模块将 Google博客与 OpenERP 任务管理做了集成, 以便可以将任务更新到博客中,更好地将OpenERP任务在博客中进行互动. 一个非常有用的功能是, 将任务公示到博客会激发完成任务的动力. This feature helps manage large...
  • Google 日历

    Google 日历 Google 日历 模块名: google_calendar 本模块可以同步 Google日期中的事件同 OpenERP 事件. 用户可以在任何地点从Google日历上更新 OpenERP事件 或者 从OpenERP 事件中 更新 Google日历项. 菜单项: Event Organization/ Google Impor...
  • Google、Facebook…

    概述 Google 身份验证 Facebook 身份验证 Microsoft 身份验证 Twitter 身份验证 其他提供程序 其他声明
  • Google Chat

    Google Chat Parameters Configuration Templates Google Chat Parameters The Google Chat notification service send message notifications to a google chat webhook. This service ...
  • Google Chat

    Google Chat Parameters Configuration Templates Google Chat Parameters The Google Chat notification service send message notifications to a google chat webhook. This service ...