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  • Development Tools

    Development Tools End-to-End Testing ESLint and Prettier Development Tools Testing your application is part of the web development. Nuxt.js helps you to make it as easy as p...
  • 介绍

    WeVue, 不止是 Vue.js + weui! 特性 在线文档( https://wevue.org) 在线示例( https://demo.wevue.org) 安装 开发 参与贡献 感谢 License WeVue, 不止是 Vue.js + weui! we-vue 是一套基于 Vue.js 的移动...
  • The Vue Instance

    # The Vue Instance # Creating a Vue Instance # Data and Methods # Instance Lifecycle Hooks # Lifecycle Diagram # The Vue Instance # Creating a Vue Instance Every Vue appl...
  • Rendering Components

    Two ways to render This book is written for Vue.js 2 and Vue Test Utils v1. Find the Vue.js 3 version here . Two ways to render vue-test-utils provides two ways to render, o...
  • Introduction

    Introduction Why Composition API? Basics of Composition API setup Component Option Reactive Variables with ref Lifecycle Hook Registration Inside setup Reacting to Changes with...
  • Custom Elements Interop changes

    Custom Elements Interop changes breaking Overview Autonomous Custom Elements 2.x Syntax 3.x Syntax Customized Built-in Elements v-is for In-DOM Template Parsing Workarounds 2x...
  • Development Tools

    Development Tools End-to-End Testing ESLint and Prettier Development Tools Testing your application is part of the web development. Nuxt.js helps you to make it as easy a...
  • plugins

    External Packages Vue Plugins The plugins Property ES6 Plugins Client or server side only Name conventional plugin Object syntax Inject in $root & context The extendPlugin...
  • Composition API

    The Composition API The Component Testing the Props Message Testing the Button Click Conclusion This book is written for Vue.js 2 and Vue Test Utils v1. Find the Vue.js 3 ve...
  • Mixins

    Mixins Basics Option Merging Global Mixin Custom Option Merge Strategies Mixins Basics Mixins are a flexible way to distribute reusable functionalities for Vue components...