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  • Actors

    Virtual Actors The Actor Proxy Writing Actors Actor Lifecycle Actor State Registering an Actor Virtual Actors 如何创建一个actor If you’re new to the actor pattern, the best plac...
  • 多语言支持(Multi-lingual Support)

    多语言支持(Multi-lingual Support) 适配器(Adapters) 组件的使用(Component Usage) 自定义适配器(Implementing your own adapters) 多语言支持(Multi-lingual Support) The component Phalcon\Translate aids in...
  • 7. Incomplete and Skipped Tests

    141 2023-03-19 《PHPUnit v9.6 Manual》
    7. Incomplete and Skipped Tests Incomplete Tests Skipping Tests Skipping Tests using @requires 7. Incomplete and Skipped Tests Incomplete Tests When you are working on a new...
  • HorizontalPodAutoscaler Walkthrough

    HorizontalPodAutoscaler Walkthrough Before you begin Run and expose php-apache server Create the HorizontalPodAutoscaler Increase the load Stop generating load Autoscaling on ...
  • HorizontalPodAutoscaler Walkthrough

    HorizontalPodAutoscaler Walkthrough Before you begin Run and expose php-apache server Create the HorizontalPodAutoscaler Increase the load Stop generating load Autoscaling on ...
  • 安装

    安装 环境要求 安装 安装 环境要求 PHP >= 7.0 PHP cURL 扩展 PHP OpenSSL 扩展 PHP SimpleXML 扩展 PHP fileinfo 拓展 Laravel 5 拓展包: overtrue/laravel-wechat 安装 使用 composer : $ composer ...
  • 初始化、原理、分组

    phpGrace 框架初始化 1 、下载 phpGrace 框架 ( www . phpGrace . com ) 2 、解压后将全部文件部署到您的服务器下,目录结构如下 : | _ 根目录 | _ phpGrace | _ index . php //入口文件 本地服务...
  • Abstract class Phalcon\Session\Adapter

    371 2021-02-20 《Phalcon v2.0 文档》
    Abstract class Phalcon\Session\Adapter Methods Abstract class Phalcon\Session\Adapter Base class for Phalcon\Session adapters Methods public __construct ([unknown $optio...
  • Translate

    Translation Component Overview Usage Placeholders Plugin Routing Translate Factory Adapters Native Array Csv Gettext Custom Interpolation Changing the interpolator Asso...
  • 下载安装

    1932 2018-03-29 《WorkerMan 3.x 手册》
    安装说明 windows用户(必读) Linux系统环境检测 已有PHP环境安装缺失扩展 安装pcntl和posix扩展: 安装event或者libevent扩展: mac os 系统安装教程 全新系统安装(全新安装PHP+扩展) centos系统安装教程 debian/ubuntu系统安装教程 mac os 系统安装教程 Event扩展...