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  • 扩展云资源

    扩展云资源 依赖 版本:v1.3 扩展云资源 对云资源的集成需求往往是最频繁出现,比如你可能希望数据库、中间件等服务使用阿里云、AWS 等云厂商的,以获得生产级别的可用性并免去运维的麻烦。 Terraform 是目前业内支持云资源最广泛也最受欢迎的组件,KubeVela 对 Terraform 进行了额外的支持,使得用户可以通过 Kubernete...
  • 扩展云资源

    扩展云资源 依赖 开发 Terraform 资源或模块 生成 ComponentDefinition 应用 ComponentDefinition 验证 生成文档 扩展云资源 对云资源的集成需求往往是最频繁出现,比如你可能希望数据库、中间件等服务使用阿里云、AWS 等云厂商的,以获得生产级别的可用性并免去运维的麻烦。 Terraform 是...
  • Capacity Scheduling - Elastic Quota Management

    Capacity Scheduling - Elastic Quota Management Introduction Setup Prerequisite Installation Configurations Use Capacity-Scheduling Quick Start by Label Quick Start by Namespa...
  • Kibana 7.2.0

    713 2020-09-24 《Kibana v7.9 Guide》
    Kibana 7.2.0 Breaking Changes Enhancements Bug fixes Most Popular Kibana 7.2.0 Breaking Changes See breaking changes in 7.2 for more information. Index Patterns Remov...
  • 扩展云资源

    扩展云资源 依赖 开发 Terraform 资源或模块 生成 ComponentDefinition 应用 ComponentDefinition 验证 生成文档 扩展云资源 对云资源的集成需求往往是最频繁出现,比如你可能希望数据库、中间件等服务使用阿里云、AWS 等云厂商的,以获得生产级别的可用性并免去运维的麻烦。 Terraform 是...
  • Built-in roles

    Built-in roles Built-in roles The Elastic Stack security features apply a default role to all users, including anonymous users . The default role enables users to access the a...
  • Creating Replication Endpoints

    Access ID and Secret Configuration Managing Registries What to Do Next To replicate image repositories from one instance of Harbor to another Harbor or non-Harbor registry, you...
  • Elasticsearch

    Elasticsearch Configuration Parameters TLS / SSL Getting Started Command Line Configuration File About Elasticsearch field names Elasticsearch The es output plugin, allow...
  • Tutorial: Create a workpad for monitoring sales

    898 2020-09-24 《Kibana v7.9 Guide》
    Tutorial: Create a workpad for monitoring sales Before you begin Create your workpad Customize your workpad with images Customize your data with metrics Show off your data with...
  • Getting started with Elasticsearch

    Getting started with Elasticsearch Getting started with Elasticsearch Ready to take Elasticsearch for a test drive and see for yourself how you can use the REST APIs to store, ...