书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.024 秒,为您找到 1288 个相关结果.
  • DOM Manipulation

    Another class of functions that is often considered difficult to test is code that directly manipulates the DOM. Let's see how we can test the following snippet of jQuery code tha...
  • DOM Manipulation

    Another class of functions that is often considered difficult to test is code that directly manipulates the DOM. Let's see how we can test the following snippet of jQuery code tha...
  • 测试概览

    测试概览 权衡 推荐的工具 了解更多 测试概览 你可以用像测试其他 JavaScript 代码类似的方式测试 React 组件。 现在有许多种测试 React 组件的方法。大体上可以被分为两类: 渲染组件树 在一个简化的测试环境中渲染组件树并对它们的输出做断言检查。 运行完整应用 在一个真实的浏览器环境中运行整个应用(也被称为“端到端(...
  • An Async Example

    An Async Example .resolves async /await Error handling .rejects An Async Example First, enable Babel support in Jest as documented in the Getting Started guide. Let’s i...
  • An Async Example

    .resolves async/await Error handling .rejects First, enable Babel support in Jest as documented in the Getting Started guide. Let's implement a simple module that fetches us...
  • An Async Example

    An Async Example .resolves async /await Error handling .rejects An Async Example First, enable Babel support in Jest as documented in the Getting Started guide. Let’s i...
  • Testing

    Testing Installation Unit testing Testing utilities End-to-end testing Testing Automated testing is considered an essential part of any serious software development effort....
  • Testing

    Testing Installation Unit testing Testing utilities Learn the right way! End-to-end testing Testing request-scoped instances Testing Automated testing is considered an es...
  • Integrations

    Promises AWS Lambda Browser Library GeoJSON MongoDB Driver Deprecation Warnings Testing with Jest SSL Connections
  • 欢迎

    这本指南是什么? 延伸阅读 这本指南是什么? 欢迎来到 Vue.js 测试指南! 这是一系列关于如何测试 Vue 组件的短小而目标明确的示例。它使用了测试 Vue 组件的官方库 vue-test-utils ,以及一个现代测试框架 Jest 。本书不但涵盖了 vue-test-utils 的 API,而且也是测试组件的最佳实践。 每个章节都...