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  • PG相关命令

    3452 2018-11-12 《Ceph学习笔记》
    1、debug-可显示归置组的调试信息 ceph pg debug unfound_objects_exist | degraded_pgs_exist 2、deep-scrub-开始深度洗刷归置组 ceph pg deep - scrub < pgid > 3、dump-可显示归置组图的人类可读版本(显示为纯文本时只有 ‘all’ ...
  • CIFAR-10 CNN

    Train a simple deep CNN on the CIFAR10 small images dataset. Train a simple deep CNN on the CIFAR10 small images dataset. It gets to 75% validation accuracy in 25 epochs, and 7...
  • 11.2. Apply Canvas

    11.2. Apply Canvas 11.2.1. Overview 11.2.2. Activate the filter 11.2.3. Options 11.2. Apply Canvas 11.2.1. Overview Figure 17.199. Example for the “Apply Canvas” filter ...
  • Strict Mode

    324 2020-12-20 《Vuex v3.x Document》
    Strict Mode Development vs. Production Strict Mode To enable strict mode, simply pass in strict: true when creating a Vuex store: const store = new Vuex . Store ({ ...
  • vgg19

    vgg19 参数 返回 代码示例 vgg19 paddle.vision.models.vgg19 ( pretrained=False, batch_norm=False, \*kwargs* ) [源代码] vgg19模型,来自论文 “Very Deep Convolutional Networks For Large-Scale I...
  • What’s Next

    Depending on your role, the following resources are recommended to learn more about TiKV: As a TiKV cluster administrator, you can refer to the following administration instruct...
  • Observability

    Observability Related articles Observability Observability is collection of plugins and applications that let you visualize data-driven events by using Piped Processing Languag...
  • About Observability

    About Observability About Observability OpenSearch Dashboards Observability is collection of plugins and applications that let you visualize data-driven events by using Piped P...
  • What’s Next

    Depending on your role, the following resources are recommended to learn more about TiKV: As a TiKV cluster administrator, you can refer to the following administration instruct...
  • resnet18

    resnet18 参数 返回 代码示例 使用本API的教程文档 resnet18 paddle.vision.models. resnet18 ( pretrained=False, **kwargs ) [源代码] 18层的resnet模型,来自论文 “Deep Residual Learning for Image Recogniti...