What is Babel? Babel is a JavaScript compiler ES2015 and beyond JSX and React Type Annotations (Flow and TypeScript) Pluggable Debuggable Spec Compliant Compact What is...
Babel is a JavaScript compiler ES2015 and beyond JSX and React Type Annotations (Flow and TypeScript) Pluggable Debuggable Spec Compliant Compact Babel is a JavaScript c...
What's your use case? babel.config.js .babelrc package.json .babelrc.js Using the CLI (@babel/cli) Using the API (@babel/core) Babel can be configured! Many other tools hav...
@babel/runtime Installation Usage Why @babel/runtime @babel/runtime is a library that contains Babel modular runtime helpers and a version of regenerator-runtime . Install...
@babel/standalone When (not) to use @babel/standalone Installation Script Tags API Customization custom plugins custom presets: passing options to built-in presets/plugins ...