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  • Protobuf

    Protobuf Example: Load Protobuf messages from Kafka Proto file When using a descriptor file When using Schema Registry Create Kafka Supervisor When using a descriptor file Whe...
  • Protobuf

    Protobuf Format Dependencies How to create a table with Protobuf format Format Options Data Type Mapping Null Values OneOf field Protobuf Format Format: Serialization Sche...
  • Protobuf

    Protobuf Example: Load Protobuf messages from Kafka Proto file Descriptor file Create Kafka Supervisor Adding Protobuf messages to Kafka Generating the example files metrics.d...
  • Protobuf

    Protobuf Example: Load Protobuf messages from Kafka Proto file Descriptor file Create Kafka Supervisor Adding Protobuf messages to Kafka Generating the example files metrics.d...
  • Protobuf

    Protobuf Example: Load Protobuf messages from Kafka Proto file Descriptor file Create Kafka Supervisor Adding Protobuf messages to Kafka Generating the example files metrics.d...
  • Protobuf

    Protobuf Protobuf 使用 IDL 定义服务 当前 Dubbo 的服务定义和具体的编程语言绑定,没有提供一种语言中立的服务描述格式,比如 Java 就是定义 Interface 接口,到了其他语言又得重新以另外的格式定义一遍。 2.7.5 版本通过支持 Protobuf IDL 实现了语言中立的服务定义。 日后,不论我们使用什么语言版...
  • Protobuf

    Protobuf Example: Load Protobuf messages from Kafka Proto file When using a descriptor file When using Schema Registry Create Kafka Supervisor When using a descriptor file Whe...
  • Protobuf

    Protobuf Format Dependencies How to create a table with Protobuf format Format Options Data Type Mapping Null Values OneOf field Protobuf Format Format: Serialization Sche...
  • Protobuf

    Protobuf Example: Load Protobuf messages from Kafka Proto file When using a descriptor file When using Schema Registry Create Kafka Supervisor When using a descriptor file Whe...
  • Protobuf

    Protobuf Example: Load Protobuf messages from Kafka Proto file Descriptor file Create Kafka Supervisor Adding Protobuf messages to Kafka Generating the example files metrics.d...