书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.019 秒,为您找到 55 个相关结果.
  • How to Python

    This guide exists to teach you the very basics of how to effectively use Python and its tooling, as a programming language.
  • How To Code in Go

    This book is designed to introduce you to writing programs with the Go programming language. You’ll learn how to write useful tools and applications that can run on remote servers,...
  • How to be a Programmer(英文版)

    To be a good programmer is difficult and noble. The hardest part of making real a collective vision of a software project is dealing with one's coworkers and customers. Writing com...
  • How to be a Programmer 中文版

    做一个好的程序员,困难而高尚。将一个软件工程集体愿景变为现实,最困难的地方在于与你的同事和顾客相处。编程很重要,这需要强大的智力和技能。 但在好的程序员看来,相比构建一个让客户和各种各样的同事都满意的软件系统,(纯粹的)编程真的只是小孩子的玩意。在这篇文章里,我尝试尽可能简洁地总结那些当我21岁时,希望别人告诉我的事。
  • How to Make a Computer Operating System(英文)

    Online book about how to write a computer operating system in C/C++ from scratch.
  • How To Create Single Page Application in minutes(英文)

    This is a demo and a tutorial showing how to develop an application using Yii 2.0 for creating REST API and then using it from UI built with AngularJS.
  • How to eat TensorFlow2 in 30 days

    本书是一本对人类用户极其友善的TensorFlow2.0入门工具书,不刻意恶心读者是本书的底限要求,Don't let me think是本书的最高追求。本书主要是在参考TensorFlow官方文档和函数doc文档基础上整理写成的。但本书在篇章结构和范例选取上做了大量的优化。不同于官方文档混乱的篇章结构,既有教程又有指南,缺少整体的编排逻辑。本书按照内容难易...
  • How to pass the Node.js interview of ElemeFE

    We were looking for senior backend developer with Node.js. And, this repo is the interview catalog (not just questions & answers) about it, and it shows you how to pass the Node.js...
  • Everything cURL(英文)

    Everything curl is an extensive guide to everything there is to know about curl, the project, the command-line tool, the library, how everything started and how it came to be what ...
  • Pagekit Documentation

    Pagekit is a modern and lightweight open source CMS. In the documentation you will learn how to install it, how to use the interface and how to develop extensions and themes for th...