书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.011 秒,为您找到 10 个相关结果.
  • Xcode Server持续集成指南(Xcode Server and Continuous Integration Guide)

  • KubeSphere v1.0 Documentation

    KubeSphere is a distributed operating system managing cloud native applications with Kubernetes as its kernel, and provides plug-and-play architecture for the seamless integration ...
  • KubeSphere v2.0 Documentation

    KubeSphere is a distributed operating system managing cloud native applications with Kubernetes as its kernel, and provides plug-and-play architecture for the seamless integration ...
  • KubeSphere v2.1 Documentation

    KubeSphere is a distributed operating system managing cloud native applications with Kubernetes as its kernel, and provides plug-and-play architecture for the seamless integration ...
  • Kubespray v2.10.4 Document

    Kubespray - Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster。Can be deployed on AWS, GCE, Azure, OpenStack, vSphere, Packet (bare metal), Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Experimental), or...
  • KubeSphere v3.0 Documentation

    KubeSphere is a distributed operating system managing cloud native applications with Kubernetes as its kernel, and provides plug-and-play architecture for the seamless integration ...
  • [英文]Pact: A contract testing tool

    Pact is a contract testing tool. Contract testing is a way to ensure that services (such as an API provider and a client) can communicate with each other. Without contract testing,...
  • Apache IoTDB User Guide (V0.11.x)

    Apache IoTDB (Database for Internet of Things) is an IoT native database with high performance for data management and analysis, deployable on the edge and the cloud. Due to its li...
  • 30 天入門 Ansible 及 Jenkins

    在軟體開發領域中,IT 自動化 (automation) 及持續整合 (continuous integration, CI) 是 DevOps 精神中相當重要的兩個部分。尤其當團隊開始導入敏捷開發 (agile development) 等概念時,這兩項技能往往可以讓實踐更加事半功倍。作為入門手冊,我將會在接下來 30 天內透過 Ansible 與 Jen...
  • [试读] Jenkins权威指南

    Jenkins是一个开源软件项目,是基于Java开发的一种持续集成工具,用于监控持续重复的工作,旨在提供一个开放易用的软件平台,使软件的持续集成变成可能。通过Jenkins可以实现流水线式的软件开发,Jenkins是一个开源的软件,他改变了团队对于Continuous Integration(CI)的认识。这本书将会教你如何使用Jenkins来使你的构建,集...