Clang plugin for crosschecking on C programs

This is a cross-check inserter for C programs implemented as a clang compiler plugin.

Building and running the plugin

  • Build libfakechecks (optional, useful for testing):
  1. $ cd ../../libfakechecks
  2. $ make all
  • Build the clang plugin using the build script:
  1. $ ../../../scripts/
  • To compile code using the plugin, either wrap the compilation command with the script from this directory:
  1. $ <path/to/clang> .../ <rest of command line...>

or add the following arguments manually to the clang command line, e.g., using CFLAGS:

  1. -Xclang -load -Xclang .../ -Xclang -add-plugin -Xclang crosschecks

and link against libruntime.a.In both cases, the target binary must then be linked against one of the rb_xcheck implementation libraries: or


This plugin can be tested in this directory by running make test.