Optimizing Program Performance

QuoteWe are all tasked to balance and optimize ourselves.

by Mae Jemison

5.1 - 5.12 visit book

5.13 - 5.19 visit here


code directory: ./code

test way:

  • assert means assert function from <assert.h>
  • output means to watch code output to judge if it works right
solution code file test way
5.13 5.13.c assert
5.14 5.14.c assert
5.15 5.15.c assert
5.16 5.16.c assert
5.17 5.17.c assert
5.18 5.18.c assert
5.19 5.19.c assert



to 5.18 & 5.19, you can measure its performance.

  1. (cd chapter5/code; make 5.18.prof)
  2. (cd chapter5/code; make 5.18.prof)