
You can use next to try to execute the next iteration of a while loop. After executing next, the while‘s condition is checked and, if truthy, the body will be executed.

  1. a = 1
  2. while a < 5
  3. a += 1
  4. if a == 3
  5. next
  6. end
  7. puts a
  8. end
  9. # The above prints the numbers 2, 4 and 5

next can also be used to exit from a block, for example:

  1. def block
  2. yield
  3. end
  4. block do
  5. puts "hello"
  6. next
  7. puts "world"
  8. end
  9. # The above prints "hello"

Similar to break, next can also take an argument which will then be returned by yield.

  1. def block
  2. puts yield
  3. end
  4. block do
  5. next "hello"
  6. end
  7. # The above prints "hello"