Azure Storage Queues binding spec

Detailed documentation on the Azure Storage Queues binding component

Component format

To setup Azure Storage Queues binding create a component of type See this guide on how to create and apply a binding configuration.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: Component
  3. metadata:
  4. name: <NAME>
  5. namespace: <NAMESPACE>
  6. spec:
  7. type:
  8. version: v1
  9. metadata:
  10. - name: storageAccount
  11. value: "account1"
  12. - name: storageAccessKey
  13. value: "***********"
  14. - name: queue
  15. value: "myqueue"
  16. - name: ttlInSeconds
  17. value: "60"


以上示例将 Secret 明文存储。 更推荐的方式是使用 Secret 组件, here

Spec metadata fields

字段RequiredBinding supportDetailsExample
storageAccountYInput/OutputThe Azure Storage account name“account1”
storageAccessKeyYInput/OutputThe Azure Storage access key“accessKey”
queueYInput/OutputThe name of the Azure Storage queue“myqueue”
ttlInSecondsNOutputParameter to set the default message time to live. If this parameter is omitted, messages will expire after 10 minutes. See also“60”

Output bindings

This component supports both input and output binding interfaces.

字段名为 ttlInSeconds

  • create


可以在队列级别 ( 如上所述) 或消息级别定义生存时间。 在消息级别定义的值会覆盖在队列级别设置的任何值。

若要设置在消息级别生存的时间,请使用 metadata 请求正文中的元数据部分。

字段名为 ttlInSeconds

```shell curl -X POST http://localhost:3500/v1.0/bindings/myStorageQueue \ -H “Content-Type: application/json” \ -d ‘{ “data”: { “message”: “Hi” }, “metadata”: { “ttlInSeconds”: “60” }, “operation”: “create” }’ ``` ## Related links - [Basic schema for a Dapr component]( - [Bindings building block]( - [如何通过 input binding 触发应用]( - [How-To:使用绑定与外部资源进行交互]( - [绑定API 参考](\_api/)

Last modified January 1, 0001