
deno repl starts an read-eval-print-loop, which lets you interactively build up program state in the global context.

Keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl-A, HomeMove cursor to the beginning of line
Ctrl-B, LeftMove cursor one character left
Ctrl-CInterrupt and cancel the current edit
Ctrl-DIf if line is empty, signal end of line
Ctrl-D, DelIf line is not empty, delete character under cursor
Ctrl-E, EndMove cursor to end of line
Ctrl-F, RightMove cursor one character right
Ctrl-H, BackspaceDelete character before cursor
Ctrl-I, TabNext completion
Ctrl-J, Ctrl-M, EnterFinish the line entry
Ctrl-KDelete from cursor to end of line
Ctrl-LClear screen
Ctrl-N, DownNext match from history
Ctrl-P, UpPrevious match from history
Ctrl-RReverse Search history (Ctrl-S forward, Ctrl-G cancel)
Ctrl-TTranspose previous character with current character
Ctrl-UDelete from start of line to cursor
Ctrl-VInsert any special character without performing its associated action
Ctrl-WDelete word leading up to cursor (using white space as a word boundary)
Ctrl-X Ctrl-UUndo
Ctrl-YPaste from Yank buffer
Ctrl-YPaste from Yank buffer (Meta-Y to paste next yank instead)
Ctrl-ZSuspend (Unix only)
Meta-0, 1, …, -Specify the digit to the argument. starts a negative argument.
Meta-<Move to first entry in history
Meta->Move to last entry in history
Meta-B, Alt-LeftMove cursor to previous word
Meta-BackspaceKill from the start of the current word, or, if between words, to the start of the previous word
Meta-CCapitalize the current word
Meta-DDelete forwards one word
Meta-F, Alt-RightMove cursor to next word
Meta-LLower-case the next word
Meta-TTranspose words
Meta-UUpper-case the next word
Meta-YSee Ctrl-Y

Special variables

_Yields the last evaluated expression
_errorYields the last thrown error