The State Section in the Main Config

In the main config, we can specify which “backend” to use to store DevStream state.

We support the following types of backend:

  • local
  • s3

Local backend config example:

  1. varFile: variables-gitops.yaml
  2. toolFile: tools-gitops.yaml
  3. state:
  4. backend: local
  5. options:
  6. stateFile: devstream.state

The stateFile under the options section is mandatory for local backend.

S3 backend config example:

  1. varFile: variables-gitops.yaml
  2. toolFile: tools-gitops.yaml
  3. state:
  4. backend: s3
  5. options:
  6. bucket: devstream-remote-state
  7. region: ap-southeast-1
  8. key: devstream.state

The bucket, region, and key under the ptions section are all mandatory fields for s3 backend.