Hard of hearing or Deaf attendees

Again, working with attendees who are hard of hearing will go best with a flexible coach. Speak to your
coaches about using text-based communication (chat, whiteboard) during the tutorial for attendees who are Deaf or hard of hearing. Remind coaches to look at their attendees when speaking to them, as there may
be people who read lips. Also, find out if any of your attendees will be bringing interpreters; you
will want to provide them with food and a space to sit!

Ask your presenters to speak slowly and clearly (sometimes people speak more quickly when they get
nervous!), and remind them to either provide a script or a handout for their presentation.

Remember that being hard of hearing doesn’t always mean total hearing loss. People who are Deaf, hard
of hearing, find it hard to concentrate in loud rooms, or for whom English (or whatever language your
workshop is in) is not their first language can all benefit from these tips.