Faasm Toolchain

Although wasm support is included in upstream LLVM, we still need to build things ourselves. This will hopefully change in future.

We need to build a custom LLVM toolchain with a modified musl and libcxx and libcxxabi set to use pthreads.

To download the built toolchain you can run:

  1. inv toolchain.download-toolchain

This also includes the relevant sysroot files (which will be placed at /usr/local/faasm/llvm-sysroot).

A CMake toolchain file exists at toolchain/FaasmToolchain.cmake.


Certain files need to be in place at runtime, to download these:

  1. inv toolchain.download-runtime


Building Toolchain

To build from scratch you just need to be in the toolchain directory, then run:

  1. make

This takes ages as it builds a whole LLVM toolchain.

Rebuilding Toolchain

To rebuild, there different options. The first is just rebuilding libc:

  1. make clean-libc
  2. make

Another is rebuilding all the libs, i.e. libc, libcxx, libcxxabi and compiler-rt:

  1. make clean-libs
  2. make

The final option is to rebuild EVERYTHING, including Clang. This takes ages and is only necessary if you need to change the underlying LLVM or Clang configuration (rare):

  1. make clean-all
  2. make

Troubleshooting the build

If a given project fails you need to go to the build dir (e.g. for libcxx this would be third-party/llvm-project/build/libcxx) then look at CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log and CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log.

One thing to check for is the magic libclang_rt.builtins-wasm32.tar.gz file. This should get built by the build process but if you need to fiddle with it you can download it as part of the WASI SDK Release.


Shared Libraries

Note that at the time of writing the state of shared libraries and dynamic linking was also in flux.

Shared libraries must be built with -fPIC, but this is only supported with —target wasm32-unknown-emscripten as per this LLVM bug.

You will need to set this target explicitly the relevant CMake/ Makefile (as the default is wasm32).


SIMD support is also in flux but possible to switch on with -msimd128 and -munimplemented-simd128.

Toolchain Updates

When updating the underlying LLVM version of the toolchain you'll need to create anew release. The steps should be something like:

  • Bump up the Faasm version (as outlined in release docs)
  • Rebuild the toolchain itself (based on instructions above)
  • Rebuild the basic sysroot libraries (inv libs.libc libs.eigen libs.faasm)
  • Rebuild 3rd party libraries (Pyodide and Tensorflow, see relevant docs)
  • Rebuild and upload all wasm functions (all those under funcs)
  • Set up the runtime root (see Python docs and Ansible runtime_fs.yml playbook)
  • Make sure all the tests run
  • Create a new release
  • Rebuild all Docker images for this release